Bye Bye.

Reaction score
United Kingdom, Southampton
Bye, im leaving. Might come back soon, might never comeback. It's just some people in this community who make people not like to be in this community, im not gonna name people. This community used to be one of the best places to play in 2013 when i join and since end of V2 it's just got boring for me and im sure for many others it has. I have 2 months playtime and i've just lost interest in the server.

Perpheads community has just turnt into a matter of popularity, and because, im not popular i get people trying to start beef.

Im gonna do what everybody else does, just incase i never come back on.

@Jay_ I can't thank this guy enough, he's the one who got me into perp back in 2013 and ever since we've been good buddies.

@Keel Not a bad word to say about this guy, he is one of the nicest guys in this community in my opinion along with a couple other people. We didn't start talking until we met each other on Eternal one day and since we've been hanging out alot.

@MrAaron Even though i "lick his bumhole clean" he got me into my first good org, for a while and has given me so many hands with things like when my friend got mugged and we went around with eachother barret M82ing the people.

@Fasool and @Mr Zan These 2 gave me another chance of their org when i left, to go to another org and regretted it. These 2 are just generally good people.

@Sam Even though i met you because, of my brother we've grown a good friendship with eachother. Back when we used to be raided by cops was the best with you.

@mage just a friend in real life. Nobody really care's about him. He's just the kid who's good at shooting aha. All jokes aside, when i was getting raided i would always call him for back up and he would be their in a flash spraying down the cops.

@Joe. and all his other accounts- "Don't piss me off"

@CiniJones Generally nice guy, hoping to see him as an enforcer some day once he's met the requirments.

@lelios1 Just follows the rule's non-stop. Hoping to see him an enforcer someday. He's really funny and has a good personality.

@Envionic "Mr.......Henderrrrrson" <3

@LordTyla Best cop you skid.

@MrLewis wanted a tag.

@Mr. Tyler Bounce You talk to much.

So many people i could have tagged, just can't be asked.

See ya later sk8er's.

-Tom Henderson.
I'm honestly a bit relieved, I haven't been on in a couple weeks but now he's gone I might have a few moments of clarity on the server.
You are actually a great guy in my opinion. It's sad to see you go. Hope you return some day!
Thank you for your great times, Mr Henderson.

We will all miss you, and love you forever.

- Ian. c:
Even if we always rated each others posts dumb on the forums, and we both got salty, I will be sad to see you go, as in character you were a pretty cool guy, I have written an autistic, i mean acrostic poem for you.

Listen to this song whilst reading the poem.

I am sorry to see you leave

Hopefully you will return soon
Although you mugged me once
That can be easily forgotten.
Everything after that mugging was good.

Please give me all your shit
And also your cars
Know this
I hate pakis