Bye everyone

Reaction score
New York, United States of America
  • Hello, am here to say that am going to leave perp, Many of u dont care but amma say it incase u wonder where i went,

    big ups to @Jack Bushross,@Ryan O"Neil(no forum acc),@ShadowTyler,@ShadowJoey,@JBirksy, and many otheres that know i'd tag em but i just cant type everyone's name,

    amma just join the server now and give my money to a random guy incase ur wondering what i'd do with them.
Sad to see you go DB. I've only known you for a short period of time but in that space of time I've seen that your a great guy and I wish you all the best In the future :)
Gonna miss you DB, one of my closest people I know on perp. Good Luck with whatever you do in the future and hopefully I will still see you on from time to time
  • Hello, am here to say that am going to leave perp, Many of u dont care but amma say it incase u wonder where i went,

    big ups to @Jack Bushross,@Ryan O"Neil(no forum acc),@ShadowTyler,@ShadowJoey,@JBirksy, and many otheres that know i'd tag em but i just cant type everyone's name,

    amma just join the server now and give my money to a random guy incase ur wondering what i'd do with them.
give me money please fat arab habibi <3