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Well, i'm leaving perp. I have no point of playing it, i'm just sitting in an apartment, growing drugs scared of being raided. I get raided, lose my shit and do that 10 times a day.
Perp is like darkrp now, "/advert raid" every 2 minutes.

A lot of people are just triggers happy's who want to shoot their gun as much as possible..

And I am as always, a trash in a community that no one respects or supports..
I had some fun being SWAT, I had a lot of plans, but I don't know.. Is it the matter with me? Am I too immature? I don't know guys. Perp is only raids right now, everyone on the server has a gun, everyone is either growing or raiding or doing anything that would be against the law.

I'm sure people will rate this post dumb just because I apparently act like an idiot.
Now before those comments about "wew u cri cuz of gem" , I'm sad all the time. I have irl problems, and perp doesn't make those days better, it just makes them worse.

Thanks to everyone who tried helping me, but I've had enough..
Perp is only raids right now, everyone on the server has a gun, everyone is either growing or raiding or doing anything that would be against the law.

And it has been so for the entirety of the lifespan of this community. It's literally part of the core of this game mode.

It was like this when you joined and it still is so I honestly don't see the problem here and I'm guessing it's just another drama post
You aren't playing PerpHeads if you only grow... You are missing 80% of Perp if you only grow...
TL;DR: I keep losing raids and now I am leaving because it's the people on the server's fault that I keep dying because everyone is always raid hungry

If that's the way you think it is, perhaps it's best if you leave
I have Autism and Asperger's syndrome. PH has in fact helped me develop my social skills from basically nothing. It's helped me make new friends over the two and a half years I've been here. Everyone still thinks I'm a weirdo but that's cool cause I kind of am. I understand where you're coming from, it sucks when you're on a losing streak and everyone says you're shit, etc. but that's just part of the package, just ignore them, and have fun however you can. If you feel like you want to take a break, that's fine. I'm on a bit of a hiatus right now myself due to school and other laziness. That and my four active forum warnings xddddddd
This is the prime example of what everyone thinks is wrong with PERP. Someone gets their items stole , then goes and cries on forums. The people who took your stuff ain't the only ones with guns. You get raided? Don't cry in OOC. Get a gun and raid them back, it ain't rocket science. It's PERP.
lose my shit and do that 10 times a day.