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Dear PerpHeads Gaming Community,

With a heavy heart and growing disillusionment, I write this letter to formally announce my resignation from the PerpHeads Gaming Community. Over the course of my time here, I have witnessed a concerning decline in the values and principles that once made this community a welcoming and enjoyable place to be a part of.

The community I joined was built on the promise of inclusivity, fairness, and mutual respect. However, it has become abundantly clear that these ideals have been overshadowed by a toxic and polarizing atmosphere. The rampant toxicity within the community has fostered an environment where harassment, personal attacks, and an overall lack of empathy are allowed to flourish unchecked. It is disheartening to witness the deterioration of a once vibrant and supportive community into a breeding ground for negativity.

Furthermore, the lack of effective moderation and enforcement of rules has contributed to the degradation of the PerpHeads Gaming Community. Important issues and reports are often ignored or dismissed, leaving members feeling unheard and undervalued. The absence of a consistent and transparent disciplinary system has led to a sense of favoritism and inequality, where certain individuals seem to be exempt from the consequences of their actions while others face disproportionate punishment.

Moreover, the disconnect between the community's management and its members has become increasingly evident. Feedback and suggestions from players are often met with indifference or brushed aside, creating a sense of frustration and powerlessness. The community should be a place where everyone has a voice and feels empowered to contribute positively, but sadly, this has become a mere illusion.

As a result of these concerns, I can no longer justify my involvement in the PerpHeads Gaming Community. It is disheartening to witness the deterioration of a once vibrant and thriving community into a toxic and divisive environment. I believe in the power of gaming communities to bring people together, create lasting friendships, and provide an escape from the challenges of everyday life. However, it is clear that the current state of the PerpHeads Gaming Community falls far short of these aspirations.

I would like to express my gratitude to the friends I made during my time here, who brought joy and camaraderie into my gaming experience. It is regrettable that our paths must part under such circumstances, but I hope that we can reconnect in more positive and nurturing environments.

I sincerely hope that the PerpHeads Gaming Community can undertake a critical self-reflection and strive to regain the values that made it special in the first place. It is my fervent wish that the community can evolve into a place where inclusivity, respect, and genuine enjoyment once again reign supreme.

Thank you for the memories and experiences, but it is time for me to move on to seek out a community that aligns with my values and offers a healthier gaming environment.

Wishing you all the best,


I didn't read this so I have no idea what it says.

@Dank Keep fighting for the mega bean.
@Lurker (DilanTheSkarf) Keep being the perfect lesbian you were meant to be! :cat:
@Oddy Lykke til mann, du nailer mod bedre enn de fleste.
@Sindarin Slay my fruity queen!
@Bnje You were always great support even tho you spend 10 years replying to a message 10/10

Too many to thank so it's either a Thank you or a fuck you <3
Sad to hear you're leaving as you were always good fun to talk to, the chatGPT outro is a bit dramatic but I give you props.

I'm sure the community managers would be happy to talk to you about whatever has caused you to feel like this.
Sad to hear you're leaving as you were always good fun to talk to, the chatGPT outro is a bit dramatic but I give you props.

I'm sure the community managers would be happy to talk to you about whatever has caused you to feel like this.
Oh I'm sure they would love to
I don't know you but I respect your honor. Have a good one mate. Let's hope things turn for the better and we can once again have you with us.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and decision to resign from the PerpHeads Gaming Community. I appreciate your openness and honesty in expressing your concerns about certain aspects of the community.

It is never easy to come to the decision of leaving a community that you once found enjoyable and welcoming. I understand that you have witnessed changes within the community that have led to a growing disillusionment. Sometimes, communities go through periods of transition and it can be disheartening to see values and principles shift in a direction that may not align with your expectations.

While I acknowledge your concerns about certain issues within the PerpHeads Gaming Community, I believe that every community has its ups and downs. It's important to remember that communities are made up of individuals with diverse perspectives, and sometimes conflicts or disagreements can arise. However, it is through open dialogue and a commitment to constructive change that communities can address these challenges and work towards improvement.

I want to express my appreciation for the friendships you have formed during your time in the PerpHeads Gaming Community. It is evident that these connections brought you joy and camaraderie, and I hope that these relationships can endure even as you explore new gaming environments that better align with your values.

As you embark on your search for a community that offers a healthier and more fulfilling gaming experience, I wish you the best of luck. It's important to find a place where you feel valued, respected, and where your voice is heard. Gaming communities have the potential to bring people together in extraordinary ways, and I am confident that you will find a new community that provides the positive atmosphere you are seeking.

Once again, thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I sincerely wish you all the best in your future gaming endeavours and hope that you find the community that resonates with your ideals and offers the fulfilling experience you deserve.

Best regards,


@Sindarin Slay my fruity queen!
can i get a tl;dr
  • Resignation from PerpHeads Gaming Community due to decline in values and toxicity.
  • Lack of effective moderation, dismissal of issues, and favoritism.
  • Disconnect between management and members; indifference towards feedback.
  • Seeking a community aligned with values and healthier gaming environment.