Callum ban request

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Blob the Top / John Larson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Callum / Callum Taylor
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:122802210
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Failing at his job and breaking nlr
Evidence (Demo Required):

Ramming me

When asked in the sit about why he tried to ram us he said that it was because he knew we had guns, after we killed him earlier - second last message is about why he hit me and not David Green - the driver

Here you can see from his point of view, that he was not slowing down or turning away from us.

He came charging with the sole intention of killing us, even though he was going against what he claimed to believe was two armed and dangerous men.
He should have called for assistance, since he was in no danger and could have easily just waited. Instead he breaks rule 3.5 by acting on information from previous life and 3.4 by unnecessarily engaging in a gunfight alone (in wich he died) when he could easily have waited for backup - Also broke 3.3 imo, by just trying to murder us with his car, as a police officer.

And to the people saying it's realistic to ram some one with a car - perhaps, but not here. Irl, when would an officer just go ham like that? Even if there was a chance to kill us both then no cop would ever risk his own life like that just because that 'maybe' he will hit us both and not die. Every sane officer would wait for backup instead of just going rambo.

And i would also like to see a demo from Callum Taylor - But since this would lead to his own perm ban i doubt we will ever fcking see it!

Can't an admin just tell him to post it?
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+Support, killing a criminal with a car is not realistic. And ofcours going alone in a gun fight is 3.4, because you can get killed.
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From my point of view it looks like you were killing officers, and he then kills you, as you're a direct threat to him, and other people on the highway. I don't think it's breaking NLR when you got a deagle in your hand and is surrounded by dead cops. He is allowed to kill you with his car, as it was done in a realistic manner, therefore not breaking 3.3, and he did not break 3.4, as he clearly had a chance to kill you both.
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He is allowed to ram you with his car as you are a threat to him and you had also just killed two officers, also the officers you killed could have panicked or called for back up before you shot them. However he did break 3.5 so for that +support
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When you compare it to real life, you wouldnt Drive into a guy with a M1911a1 because of the risk he could have should you before already, Secondly as an officer, you are sure you can have backup so the only thing you have to do is make a hiding place for yourself and if they start shooting to him shoot back.

And later on The NLR things, You could have heard from other officer that he is dangerous, so you would have waited for backup ,which he didn't, breaking the rule/law of risking your life.
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From my point of view it looks like you were killing officers, and he then kills you, as you're a direct threat to him, and other people on the highway. I don't think it's breaking NLR when you got a deagle in your hand and is surrounded by dead cops. He is allowed to kill you with his car, as it was done in a realistic manner, therefore not breaking 3.3, and he did not break 3.4, as he clearly had a chance to kill you both.
He said himself in the following admin sit, that the reason he knew we had guns was that we killed him earlier, he didn't see it. He was a mile away and should have waited for backup instead of just going full retard with his car. Also, we were no threat to anyone on the highway, and he had no chance of killing us both with his car if you look at Davids position. And why would he ever just go alone into a gunfight when he could have waited less than a minute for backup? he acted without talking to the leutenant or anyone, and just decided to kill us.
Hope you will reconsider you opinion.
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The garden
0:13 the driver David green breaks rule 3.4,3.6, 2.1 Callum hasn't broken any rules I do not see why he's going to be banned y'know that when you are finished off you still have to wait the five he didn't break NLR and clearly you didn't prove Callum was killed which one was he tho??
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Parts Unknown
Ramming a criminal by purpose with a vehicle is definitely an action which only would have been made by a mentally disturbed human being if we compare it to the real world. To begin with we can bring up the sentence written by 'obloblob':

"When asked in the sit about why he tried to ram us he said that it was because he knew we had guns, after we killed him earlier"

Would any officer ever enter a vehicle, find the perpetrators, hit them deadly with your car, and feel good with his/her accomplishments after his/her's actions? The answer should be very simple. You would never just randomly ram people down because you knew they were carrying guns. And by the way, if he mentioned that he went after you since you killed him earlier, then that's a great rule break. I'm not sure which one, I'm not currently in-game, if anybody can help me out here with that. And by the way: Would a police department ever hire a mentally disturbed person? I guess no.

tl;dr A cop would never ram down a perpetrator for carrying guns. As you had died earlier you are supposed to forget EVERYTHING about the previous event.

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0:13 the driver David green breaks rule 3.4,3.6, 2.1 Callum hasn't broken any rules I do not see why he's going to be banned y'know that when you are finished off you still have to wait the five he didn't break NLR and clearly you didn't prove Callum was killed which one was he tho??
Please explain how he broke those rules, and Callum is the officer driving the car that rammed me. And i have no idea what you mean by that last part.
Please explain how he broke those rules, and Callum is the officer driving the car that rammed me. And i have no idea what you mean by that last part.
David killed Callum after i died, and we thought they were just out to kill us, given the attempted muder by Callum


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England, West Midlands
I'm going to disagree with this ban request for the following reasons;
  • For the time of him stopping his vehicle, getting out and then getting a gun, you could be driving off or even killing him. I think it's the same as getting out and shooting you, he would kill you either way.
  • Secondly, he did what he though was necessary to take you down fast and easy as you just killed an officer or 2.
  • It would be easier to ram you down than to actually get out and deal with you accordingly.
  • Put it into this scenario, if you're being raided and the raiders were outside the property and you saw them kill your friends, generally people ram them. What's the difference? You just killed cops and was a direct threat towards him- he took the appropriate measures to take you down.
I don't support this Ban Request for the reasons stated above.
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If he had a valid reason to take you out when you had a weapon on you. For example the life alerts going off and dead officers next to you. If you had a gun visible and seen you were a threat he can run you over. It's safer than jumping out and firing at you. Hitting you with his car would cause minimal damage to him and would kill you. He had all rights to do that. On the other hand:

If He killed you for revenge. as you showed on the picture of him stating that you shot him earlier. If he did die and came back to kill you because of that reason alone would be breaking 3.5 By stating that you shot him earlier. Meaning her remembered your face and your location.

-Support. I think what Callum has done is completely fine. I've done it myself twice now as an officer. It's effective. And It can save your partners life.

Here is a link to prove that it is possible to run a man over with a gun. Keeping the officer unhurt or slightly injured. (Skip to 0:35)
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I'm going to disagree with this ban request for the following reasons;
  • For the time of him stopping his vehicle, getting out and then getting a gun, you could be driving off or even killing him. I think it's the same as getting out and shooting you, he would kill you either way.
  • Secondly, he did what he though was necessary to take you down fast and easy as you just killed an officer or 2.
  • It would be easier to ram you down than to actually get out and deal with you accordingly.
  • Put it into this scenario, if you're being raided and the raiders were outside the property and you saw them kill your friends, generally people ram them. What's the difference? You just killed cops and was a direct threat towards him- he took the appropriate measures to take you down.
I don't support this Ban Request for the reasons stated above.
He died for no reason by going rambo like that, every cop was on the way, and he should have waited for them to arrive. And i don't understand why people keep saying were a threat to him, he was a mile away and came to us.
And everyone only seem to care about 3.3, when really i think it's the smallest breach, he risked his life by going alone against us when backup was on the way, and braking new life rule as stated.
And also, he had no clue if we shot them. None whatsoever. We could have been helping them, in wich case he probably wouldnt have just tried to murder us.

He didn't drive away in his car, i don't have his demo, i know this from my friend. His reaction was according to HIMSELF based on the wrong things for him to do it lawfully.

I don't know how to get his fucking demo but i sure as shit would love it, so you could see for yourself.
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So after watching the YouTube video I will give my opinion about this.

I will place the video here aswell, so you do not have to switch replies all the time.

Okay, so he probably paniced at 0:13. This made the other police officer respond.

At 0:28 you are still holding your gun, the police officer sees this.

At 0:32 the police officer shows up and runs you over because you were a threat to him.

He did kinda risk his life by not waiting for back-up, but he had enough chance to survive because he had a car to escape with.

I am giving this a -Support because you guys were a threat to him because you were holding firearms. If the officer stepped out, he probably died. So he actually did everything to stay alive.
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So after watching the YouTube video I will give my opinion about this.

I will place the video here aswell, so you do not have to switch replies all the time.

Okay, so he probably paniced at 0:13. This made the other police officer respond.

At 0:28 you are still holding your gun, the police officer sees this.

At 0:32 the police officer shows up and runs you over because you were a threat to him.

He did kinda risk his life by not waiting for back-up, but he had enough chance to survive because he had a car to escape with.

I am giving this a -Support because you guys were a threat to him because you were holding firearms. If the officer stepped out, he probably died. So he actually did everything to stay alive.

And he DIDN'T drive away, he stayed and that's why i need his fcking demo. If we saw his demo we would see him responding, seing two men with guns and thinking like a fcking dog.
[DOUBLEPOST=1436388803,1436387622][/DOUBLEPOST]Just get him to post his demo and we'll see.
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My dad use to be a MP (milltary police) and he was trained to do this basically and this is what he said if a guy had just killed his fellow officer or a guy was pointing a gun at his car and he was in it slam it into first gear and run him over. That's what he always says to me and my family if we are ever in danger IRL and we are in a car same thing if a guy is behind with a gun and no chance of driving away fast enough is to slam it into reverse and run the person over so it is realistic what he did and just fast thinking on that officers part.

-support from me because I don't see how that officer did wrong.

Edit: Made no sense before re-read please :p
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Parts Unknown
So, I am Callum, and to be honest, you should be in trouble not me as you lied in the admin sit to @Ben Lockwood and said you were unarmed when I ran you over.

Anyway onto the main bit, you twisted my words to make it look like I killed you over an NLR thing when in actual fact, I saw 3 life alerts from the highway, you were stood over dead bodies with a deagle. I did actually try to stop the car but since I couldn't I just decided to plow into a murder which would bring the situation down to a 1v1 against me and Feng (Who got banned over this incident).

Anyway, if I did break any rules, I am truly sorry as I have just joined the server, I have 11 hours playtime and I am actually quite hurt that instead of people telling me how to change, they just cuss me off in OOC.

That's my 10 pence.

EDIT: I'd like to say to everyone saying "He should have waited for backup", there was only 4 cops and the other 2 were dead and the other was in another situation, but he responded to this and so did the SWAT, but panics and life alerts had already gone off, so it was my priority to save my colleagues lives.
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So, I am Callum, and to be honest, you should be in trouble not me as you lied in the admin sit to @Ben Lockwood and said you were unarmed when I ran you over.

Anyway onto the main bit, you twisted my words to make it look like I killed you over an NLR thing when in actual fact, I saw 3 life alerts from the highway, you were stood over dead bodies with a deagle. I did actually try to stop the car but since I couldn't I just decided to plow into a murder which would bring the situation down to a 1v1 against me and Feng (Who got banned over this incident).

Anyway, if I did break any rules, I am truly sorry as I have just joined the server, I have 11 hours playtime and I am actually quite hurt that instead of people telling me how to change, they just cuss me off in OOC.

That's my 10 pence.

EDIT: I'd like to say to everyone saying "He should have waited for backup", there was only 4 cops and the other 2 were dead and the other was in another situation, but he responded to this and so did the SWAT, but panics and life alerts had already gone off, so it was my priority to save my colleagues lives.
You said what you said in the admin sit, and thats what i wrote, and given the fact that my friend was attacked by more officers moments after your unnecessary death, determines that they probably werent so busy. And as for cussing you off in ooc, me and my friend saw you as a sweatervest and you asked us to show you around and we did, he told you in looc when you were giving him an illegitimate ticket why you shouldnt, but you dont listen to advice or anything.
You came to the server only to cause shit for people, and why havent you posted a demo yet? If what you are saying is true, then the demo would prove it.
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If he had a valid reason to take you out when you had a weapon on you. For example the life alerts going off and dead officers next to you. If you had a gun visible and seen you were a threat he can run you over. It's safer than jumping out and firing at you. Hitting you with his car would cause minimal damage to him and would kill you. He had all rights to do that. On the other hand:

If He killed you for revenge. as you showed on the picture of him stating that you shot him earlier. If he did die and came back to kill you because of that reason alone would be breaking 3.5 By stating that you shot him earlier. Meaning her remembered your face and your location.

-Support. I think what Callum has done is completely fine. I've done it myself twice now as an officer. It's effective. And It can save your partners life.

Here is a link to prove that it is possible to run a man over with a gun. Keeping the officer unhurt or slightly injured. (Skip to 0:35)
I fully agree with John Riddle. It's completely fine to run someone over as an officer if they are shooting. -Support
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I mean honestly this whole 3.4 part about him turning up alone is just bogus really.

The panic and life alerts are sent to every officer in paralake. It's safe to assume that in a dire situation like this all the cops are probably going to turn up to the scene with or without a meeting which would in my opinion be unrealistic due to the fact that they'd be failing to save officers that at this point may be alive...

In terms of an officer running a gunman over. It makes sense it's a tactical way to take out someone whilst doing little damage to yourself. You're also on a highway for goodness sake, if it hadn't been the officer it'd probably been someone else to do the deed.

Honestly I don't have an issue with what Callum has done here. The NLR thing though I don't condone it if it is true of course. There were still life alerts going off and he was probably just saying that to add some salt to the wound just saying. He had a perfectably acceptable reason to show up to the scene in my opinion.

I'm not a big fan of saying - support on a BR. So I'm just going to say that I disagree.


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England, West Midlands
** This ban request week was taken over my me as a request by Daymon**

This is going to be denied for the following reasons:
For the time of him stopping his vehicle, getting out and then getting a gun, you could be driving off or even killing him. I think it's the same as getting out and shooting you, he would kill you either way.Secondly, he did what he though was necessary to take you down fast and easy as you just killed an officer or 2.
It would be easier to ram you down than to actually get out and deal with you accordingly.
Put it into this scenario, if you're being raided and the raiders were outside the property and you saw them kill your friends, generally people ram them. What's the difference? You just killed cops and was a direct threat towards him- he took the appropriate measures to take you down.
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