can anybody explain this

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I thought about how you may kill police and defend your base if you have a full batch of weed which is worth 15k but if you are illegally transporting an ak 101 with all attachments worth 20k + you may not defend your firearm even though it is worth more and is a great financial loss being possibly more than double the maximum fine for 9.5 as well?
Think about this for more than a second and you will figure it out
I thought about how you may kill police and defend your base if you have a full batch of weed which is worth 15k but if you are illegally transporting an ak 101 with all attachments worth 20k + you may not defend your firearm even though it is worth more and is a great financial loss being possibly more than double the maximum fine for 9.5 as well?
The idea behind defending a base full of drugs is, upon police discovering the drugs, realistically the whole operation would be ruined, costing you millions down the line. Furthermore realistically you'd be losing all the drugs you produced as well as the ones in production.

An AK-101 with full attachments, realistically within Paralake, would be (and literally is) entirely replaceable, especially with Paralakes virtually nonexistent weapon laws. A Narcotics operation operating under complete cloak and dagger upon discovery would not only jeopardize that operation but the mere existence of a production and intent to supply charge would have police officers on full alert on any properties you may own and reside in for the remainder of your life.

Being raided by police for your drugs would, in real life, make you completely unable to ever make narcotics again without Police quickly catching on, whilst a firearm seizure, even multiple firearms totalling around 100k in losses, are replaceable items and the charge itself isn't an obstacle getting in the way of future endeavours.