Can someone help me with bank robbery?

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Eastleigh, Hampshire, England
No, I'm not asking someone to help me rob the bank or anything, I'm just asking if someone can tell me how it works. How do you take the money? Is there a maximum amount you can take? Is there a timer you have to wait out? Just any tips and information about robbing the bank in PERP would be useful, me and a couple of friends are thinking about robbing it and want to know how it all works.

Thank you!
Bring a pistol or a shotgun or someshit and get a gateway driver, the gateway driver gotta have a fast car and being good at driving. Rush in the bank go to the npc and press the rob button, run to the vault and take the money then fucking go lol. If a cop follows u or anything just stop in like a corner where he can't see that you are stopping and go out and end him and just go. If anything fucks up at the bank just go to the roof and try to escape. If there's more people robbing take a escalade ( sorry for spelling lol) Btw you should only do this if you are 2-3 guys or something, if it's more then just stay there and camp.
Well, you need a weapon. Bring atleast 5 mags as you will never know how you ran out of ammo, bring a crew, some bandages and stimpacks. These are essential resources, just ask @HomerWithTopHat. I usually bring a shotgun or a rifle, only bring a pistol when you know you're not going to win.
Well, you need a weapon. Bring atleast 5 mags as you will never know how you ran out of ammo, bring a crew, some bandages and stimpacks. These are essential resources, just ask @HomerWithTopHat. I usually bring a shotgun or a rifle, only bring a pistol when you know you're not going to win.

If you know you're not going to win then don't even bother, you'll most likely break 3.4 as there is no chance of you escaping with a pistol. Quote from 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk - Risks are deemed to be unreasonable when it can’t be appropriately and effectively justified; for example, if a player was to rob the bank and fail, leading to their death, that player would be expected to demonstrate to an administrator that they had a realistic and reasonable plan and/or mind-set to succeed.

Onto the actual question however, I always bring 20 stimpacks and at least 5-10 bandages, I bring a fully loaded Sako 92 with 5 fully loaded magazines, make sure you have at least 4/5 regeneration (5 is optional but 4 is still good enough) The Sako 92 is very good at sniping at long range, either stay in the vault or go on the roof (bringing a Sako 92 I highly recommend you go on the roof) At least have two people go inside the vault.

Tactics: Hide your vehicle(s) so the police won't expect to be that many people inside the bank, you should try and ambush them and always, ALWAYS go for the S.W.A.T first since they have the heavy weapons. If possible, snipe the S.W.A.T officer on the roof, I always hide and then ambush them when the cops don't expect me (Always fun seeing them run away :P) If you're under attack and you think you may die, jump from the roof to the 2nd floor of the city garage, if you fail the jump and land near the back end of the bank then go behind and wait, officers may have seen you.