Bank Robbery Suggestion

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Professional Stripper
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Discussion Post:

Main Idea: Increase the yield for succesfully robbing the bank by removing that if someone else robs the bank and you were not involved, your yield should not be decreased.

Full description of the idea: Currently if someone robs the bank before you with around 5-6 members they can recieve 30k per member. If someone robs the bank then an hour or two later with 3 members they'll only recieve 8k each even though their risk is much greater.

Why should it be added?: As it is if someone robs the bank and you are not involved, it's pointless for anyone else to try for the rest of the day as they are risking around 20-25k to earn peanuts. Otherwise you are only robbing the bank for a shootout.

I think the risk for everyone should be balanced with the reward.

-More of a reason to rob the bank
-More roleplay oppertunities
-More shootouts

-Some people will think shootouts is a bad thing
-More people cry in OOC
-Easier to earn money could mean cooldown timer is needes so its not farmed.

*Other additions: Big ups @Taylor

Fix this please, 6 people can rob the bank with 4 cops and get 50k each. If 3 people rob the bank a couple of hours later with 8 cops they get 12k each

This is in place so a group of people dont just go in the morning and do bank raids all day. Basically with a group of 6 you can have 4 go cops and the 2 raid the bank , then have the another 2 do another 1 while 4 others are cops etc.

I would only like this if bank robberies could only happen with 40+ Players on the server.
This is in place so a group of people dont just go in the morning and do bank raids all day. Basically with a group of 6 you can have 4 go cops and the 2 raid the bank , then have the another 2 do another 1 while 4 others are cops etc.

I would only like this if bank robberies could only happen with 40+ Players on the server.
They'd only be able to do this twice if there was a cooldown for people that have already robbed the bank.

I've been in multiple bank raids (with dai), where we literally made 10k or less with 3 people...
Can we make it so people who died don't get their cut of the money then? It makes no sense for a dead person to be rewarded money as its NLR. If each person gets 50k but only one person makes it out alive then that person should only get 50k alone and not every member.
Can we make it so people who died don't get their cut of the money then? It makes no sense for a dead person to be rewarded money as its NLR. If each person gets 50k but only one person makes it out alive then that person should only get 50k alone and not every member.
Or get the full cut, as they carry the money to the end point
Or get the full cut, as they carry the money to the end point
One person shoudnt be able to carry all the money, for balancing reasons it should be a single cut only. This also encourages people to stay alive in the bank robbery. In addition if it goes to a single person then they will break NLR guaranteed and devide the money anyway, just what people do with guns atm
Can we make it so people who died don't get their cut of the money then? It makes no sense for a dead person to be rewarded money as its NLR. If each person gets 50k but only one person makes it out alive then that person should only get 50k alone and not every member.

Didn't know that happened. That's aids, if you die your cut should be recovered by the police.
This is towards the idea if not already implemented of everyone getting money even tho they die and one person getting everyone else's money.

The whole "If you go in with 5 people and 4 die you should get all the money to yourself" should never be an outcome. Money weighs a fair bit if you got 50k in a bag. So if you want to carry an additional 200k. (50k in each bag) you would be basically walking out of the bank carrying 5 duffle bags. The only way you would be able to do this is if you went back and forth and transported 1 bag at a time. Not all at once. So that is the sort of realistic side out of the way. In balancing terms, touching off what @Slayerduck duck said that "In addition if it goes to a single person then they will break NLR guaranteed and devide the money anyway" you cannot have all that money go to one person. Because they will either keep it to themselves in which will make it far too easy for them to make money or they will just divide the money between those who died thus making those who are in the bank robbery to be more confident and not really care about dying due to knowing that as long as one of them survives they will get their money anyway. Proving the one who survives gives them the money of course.

Too easy to make money
Could cause a couple people to go rambo knowing they will get their money anyway providing one survives.
Unrealistic to transport all the money at once providing it was evenly spread out in individual duffle bags between the robbers. (Can't carry 5 bags full of money at once let alone shoot a gun alongside)
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