Server Suggestion Cancel actions

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Parts Unknown
Suggestion Title: Cancel actions
Suggestion Description: You can now cancel confiscation etc. as a cop. I propose that any action which triggers the red bar waiting thingy to have a cancel option.

For example, equipping a crowbar should allow you to press c to cancel.

Why should this be added?:
-quality of life

What negatives could this have?:

What problem would this suggestion solve?: -stop me dying when equipping stuff in the open.
In my opinion:

When a cop tries to confiscate, a 2 choice menu pops up.
YES and NO
If cops press no, the gun isn't confiscated instead of having the red line every time you don't want to pick it up.
In my opinion:

When a cop tries to confiscate, a 2 choice menu pops up.
YES and NO
If cops press no, the gun isn't confiscated instead of having the red line every time you don't want to pick it up.
That’s not the point of the suggestion, the point is to add the current cancellation to ALL actions, civilian too!
Certain actions don't allow cancelling to force you to commit to them, knowing you will be vulnerable while being performed. Some others, probably simply because the option to make something cancellable was added at a later time.

Do you have any actions in mind you think should be made cancellable?
Attatching attatchments
Equipping Zip Ties
Equipping Camera
Equipping crow bar
Equipping bobby pin

These are the ones that come to mind, but i also understand the pushback of vulnerability
Attatching attatchments
Equipping Zip Ties
Equipping Camera
Equipping crow bar
Equipping bobby pin

These are the ones that come to mind, but i also understand the pushback of vulnerability
makes sense to have it when putting attachments on, everything else shouldn't be an issue
I support this suggestion, i dont wanna to just be stood there when equipping a new crowbar or Bobbypin
Certain actions don't allow cancelling to force you to commit to them, knowing you will be vulnerable while being performed. Some others, probably simply because the option to make something cancellable was added at a later time.

Do you have any actions in mind you think should be made cancellable?
Equipping PD equipment (Taser, Battering Ram, Spikes etc)
Gearing up into TFU gear at the SWAT van.
Using a medkit.

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