Suggestion Title: Cancel actions
Suggestion Description: You can now cancel confiscation etc. as a cop. I propose that any action which triggers the red bar waiting thingy to have a cancel option.
For example, equipping a crowbar should allow you to press c to cancel.
Why should this be added?:
-quality of life
What negatives could this have?:
What problem would this suggestion solve?: -stop me dying when equipping stuff in the open.
Suggestion Description: You can now cancel confiscation etc. as a cop. I propose that any action which triggers the red bar waiting thingy to have a cancel option.
For example, equipping a crowbar should allow you to press c to cancel.
Why should this be added?:
-quality of life
What negatives could this have?:
What problem would this suggestion solve?: -stop me dying when equipping stuff in the open.