Can't move upon spawning.

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When i join i cannot move, it is like i am frozen.

I tried:
Deleting my demo's
Being respawned
Being shot to death and waiting until i die fully.

Please help, i only joined this morning and dont want to not be able to play.
I joined and i found out i could strafe around, but i will try this.
When you join the server, dont move or do ANYTHING with your mouse or keyboard. The ONLY thing you should do is move your mouse to, let's say a car.
ALT + TAB out of the game and watch some videos untill you get loaded in and unstuck.
Dont open G-Mod if you think you are unstuck. Just mouse over the G-Mod icon and see if the car has moved.
If it moved, you are unstuck.
If it didn't move. Keep waiting.
Is there a suggestions thread?

They should really disable the feature that would make new players leave the server, until they can fix it.
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