Car gears

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Although i am currently bad i am trying to regain my self by helping out the community and lately i thought that if perpheads it gonna be really serious rp then maybe the developers could make some sort of gear system with cars. when purchasing a car u can choose between manual and automatic. i feel this would be a great improvement to the serious rp but might be hard to make.

Can't wait to be unbanned to join the new updates (INDICATORS).
I dont think a sequential gearbox would be affecting the rp in any way. Not really needed since it's nothing special about shifting up and down with the click of a button. The only thing good about this is that the engines would probably be able to stall, which they already can but you do have to crash your car in order to kill the engine as it is today. However i'll just stay neutral on this one.
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This would be so difficult to implement I would say it's impossible. I don't think this would improve roleplay.
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This would be so difficult to implement I would say it's impossible. I don't think this would improve roleplay.
I dont think it would be impossibe,for example you could just have the gears between speeds. 1st gear 0-20, 2nd gear 20-35 and so on. Which means that if you were to go at 35 and changed gear to the first one the engine would be damaged and if you were to have a speed of 15 and change gear to the 2nd the engine would stall. However I still dont belive it would be worth it to implement it into the gamemode.
Personally, this idea seems too excessive and doesn't really help RP at all and if anything would get people more annoyed because of their car stalling all the time because they forgot to change gears. Also if people had a choice of automatic and manual I highly doubt that many people would choose manual people. Also driving is already hard at times with the lagg I wouldn't want to keep getting rammed on the highway, and possibly wreck my car, because a car stalled and I went into the back of it. Like ozain said it's not really worth implementing
Sorry but
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