Car price, speed, upgrade price + more spreadsheet

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United Kingdom
So after about 3 hours of setting this all up only to realise half way through there was a way to do this quicker, I finally made a spreadsheet which displays the following
  1. The Car name
  2. Car Price at 0% tax and chosen % tax is at
  3. Stock top speed
  4. Upgrade Price
  5. Upgraded Speed (x1 upgrade and x2 upgrade)
  6. How many body kits are available
  7. How many seats the car has

Hopefully this is useful to some people when buying cars or you are just wondering how different cars compare to one another. Some cars I was unable to get their speeds because the speeds I found were just way to high than it actually is in-game. The majority of the cars should be correct, with potential errors in 2-3 cars maybe. Take the top speed with a grain of salt, since you are rarely able to maintain that consistently when driving. If you have anything you want added to this just post/comment below I guess.

To use it, go to file -> make a copy and then you can mess around with it however you want and even edit if you really want to.


Enjoy :]

if you find anything is wrong, pm me.
Why are all the top speeds so different, when they are all rounded in 5? Correct me if im wrong but the speed gauge jumping about at top speeds isn't really what the top speed is?
Little bit of an update since I was bored and wanted to make it a bit cooler. Added some shitty colors which are kinda 'tiers' of the cars which I just did based on the price ranges, I'll remove them if people dislike them since it looks like a rainbow (or just make it only the name of the car).

Added test drive prices, and repair prices (tier 1 and fully destroyed).

I'll probably add a smaller separate column for paint wash price and I might add trunk slots to cars if I get around to it considering it's more annoying with new car dealer.

Like before, if anything is wrong please point it out and I'll double check, enjoy.

Same link as before :
[DOUBLEPOST=1480527510,1480455972][/DOUBLEPOST]Well I finished everything up on the sheet now, added trunk slots for all cars (bare in mind some trunks have small weight so high space =/= good trunk) added car trims and paint types and Ford Raptor because why not. You can find that stuff below VIP Cars under Miscellanious.

Doubt I can add more to the sheet unless I find something interesting, looks like this is as big as it will get for now. Enjoy.
Doesn't have the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X anywhere.
0 tax: 480k
25 tax: 492k
50 tax: 504k
Seats: 4
Kits: 2
Trunk: 3 (I think)
Upgrade: 192k (I think)
Tier 1: 3840 (I think)
Fully: 9600 (I think)
Speed: No clue

This really helped me though
Long time since I touched this, but I updated it again, filled in any missing values and fixed any values that people reported as wrong. Also added trunk weight to every car if anybody is interested in that before buying a car (fairly important on a car :p) and thanks to Synatec I added the Lancer Evo X because apparently I forgot it originally somehow.

If you notice anything wrong while being in-game please notify me so that I can update it with the correct information.

Link can be found in posts above.
When you realize that you couldn't bought like 10 mini coopers with the amount of money you spent repairing your Bugatti.
Really doubt i'll end up updating this soon because my lack of interest overall with perp recently but maybe will be updated by the end of the month depends.
Thank you this is really helpful cause i was gonna buy a ford shelby gt500 but when i found out that there are no body kits and the upgrade price is insane for a mild upgrade now imma get a ford mustang cause there are 3 body kits and can be upgraded to 68 for a less price;)
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