Carried by Husky/bevve/bEAVER/L1NK/nykontract

on your spray, crouching is not needed, you tend to crouch too early and a bit too much. When crouched you head is much easier to hit and your character becomes wider. Plus your movement is much more limited. Counter strafing is much more efficient. On your aim you are above average, game sense i dunno. Don't think of crouching as a way to lower recoil think of it as a way too get your crosshair lower, faster.
Mans watched 1 warowl video and is now fpl-c player.
His crouch timings are fine, no need to start bursting and strafing when they're dead in 0.5 seconds lol.
@NeluDaHunter Calm down kid just giving the guy tips. All im saying is its better to counter strafe than crouch too much. Plus who said anything about bursting, I also said that he can stand up and spray. Crouching for recoil matters is not necessary unless its about getting your crosshair down. Plus I dont need to watch youtube videos to tell me how to be good at a video game xd
Ye but it's not a good tip, you're going to win the engagement faster if you displace your head by crouching rather than spraying and strafing lol, fact of the matter is he doesn't crouch too much and thank god for nuance.
Crouching only matters at low ranks, people actually aim for the head in these level games
@NeluDaHunter Ask anyone thats good at cs they will agree with me. Crouching shouldnt be done too often in firefights. Plus im sure adrish can speak for himself, the tip was never intended for you. Unless he has clamied you as his man slave, im sure he can speak for himself
@MrWHAT! Define good, I've been hardstuck global for like 2 years, there's nuance for a reason, obviously crouching in a prolonged firefight is worse than strafing and making yourself harder to hit. But in these clips the fight was done in half a second. Displacing your head wins you those fights.
@NeluDaHunter I mean that i noticed a habit of crouching in every ak spray after a certain point of the spray, I'd define this habit as a bad one. Though, you are right in that these firefights were very short but the crouching was reoccuring after a certain time of him spraying. Also the clips are short and the crouching may be circumstantial, cant say for sure if he always does this.
Understandable, differs from situation to situation and hard to tell how someone plays from 3 second clips, have a nice day.