xxDirtySnipersxx Messages 3 Reaction score 0 Points 10 Nov 6, 2014 #1 The cars on the edges are not sharp they are like jaggidy they only do it in a distance ?? is there anyway of fixing
The cars on the edges are not sharp they are like jaggidy they only do it in a distance ?? is there anyway of fixing
StephenPuffs Messages 712 Reaction score 3,417 Points 500 Nov 6, 2014 #2 Check your GMod video options that you have model detail set to high. Or it could be you have low anti-aliasing.
Check your GMod video options that you have model detail set to high. Or it could be you have low anti-aliasing.
xxDirtySnipersxx Messages 3 Reaction score 0 Points 10 Nov 6, 2014 Thread starter #3 My texture on high and model: high : and water quilty high but i think my anti-aliasing off
xxDirtySnipersxx Messages 3 Reaction score 0 Points 10 Nov 6, 2014 Thread starter #4 but the thing dosent make a diffrent i set that Anti thing to the highest
StephenPuffs Messages 712 Reaction score 3,417 Points 500 Nov 6, 2014 #5 You would need to upload a screenshot of what you're seeing as I don't know what it is that you may be talking about. Because if you have those settings it seems like it should be fine.
You would need to upload a screenshot of what you're seeing as I don't know what it is that you may be talking about. Because if you have those settings it seems like it should be fine.