Server Suggestion Casino vault heist mission

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Suggestion Title: Casino vault heist mission
Suggestion Description: This will require a map change.

Adding a “casino vault heist” mission. This will require a map edit potentially so I don’t have high hopes for this one.

Rather than being a shootout, the idea here is to add a series of obstacle courses and puzzles for players to solve and overcome to retrieve their rewards. This is good as it can be done without ruining the player safe zone inside the casino.

My idea for this heist:
At least one unopenable door exists within the casino which could prove useful for this. The door could act as a “player warp door” only allowing access to this area to casino robbers. Unlike bank raids, the ability to fight cops in the lobby of the casino should be prevented entirely within the safe zone, making this a non-pvp oriented heist (unless you get busted on your way out, then you may shoot).

The idea for this includes:
- At least 3 players and at most 6 must partake in this robbery with at least 3 police required online to perform it.
- You enter the vault area through the warp door. Within this area should be 4 rooms:
The managers office: The manager is away on a Cocaine bender, meaning the rooms computer can be accessed. One digit of the code will be in the computer, which you must “hack” (perform a status bar action for 30 seconds)
The Archive room: Should contain rows of Filing cabinets which should be searchable to find the second digit.
The security Room: Should have a “sleeping” security guard. Should have buttons which toggle different laser layouts, however, only 1 may be turned off at a time. Pressing too many buttons will wake the guard and fail the heist. There will be a dialogue option to pickpocket a code number off of the guard.
The vault area: Armed with lasers which can be dodged, Jumped over, or Ducked under.
- Players must find all 3 numbers for the code and complete the laser course within 15 minutes or the quest will fail.
- Upon finding all 3 numbers, they will have 2 attempts at guessing the code from the 3 provided numbers.
- Upon entering the vault, taking the money is the same as stealing it from the bank. Once the vault is open however, you have 1 minute to steal all the money and then leave. Upon this 1 minute expiring, players will trip the alarm, forcing anyone who doesn’t leave in 30 seconds afterwards to be teleported back to the casino floor. They will all be warranted after this one minute. Expires as well. This would be the same if you trip the alarm, all players will be teleported back to the warp door if they fail to leave in 30 seconds.
- Players then drop the money off at an NPC and await there payouts, which will be determined by how fast they do the heist.

Why should this be added?:
- Non PVP oriented criminal activity with a decent payout.
- Nice one for the parkour and puzzle lovers.
- Another criminal activity for PERP, one that doesn’t directly mean shootouts will happen.

What negatives could this have?:
- Map development time
- Coding?
I agree but I strongly oppose the idea that a minimum of 3 cops is needed. If this should be a casino heist which anybody with common sense would quickly realize this is something bigger than even a bank. This heist should be something remarkable.

In my opinion it would be better if it was at least a minimum of 12 cops but criminals may attempt with a 3 man crew. This is because criminals aren't restricted to the bank rule of no hostages. This means 3 criminals is all you need to pull off in a car and have a pursuit. Yet if the vice versa was true where it was 3 cops and 6 criminals I think it is pretty safe to say we know who's winning here. Especially with the very real possibility that it can be 3 pistol cops facing 6 AKs.
I strongly disagree as i believe casino shouldn't be a place for a shootout, imagine a new player trying to get a Casino spin or gambling resulting in his death.
Casino should only be a Casino in my opinion and not a place for a shootout.

I strongly disagree as i believe casino shouldn't be a place for a shootout, imagine a new player trying to get a Casino spin or gambling resulting in his death.
Casino should only be a Casino in my opinion and not a place for a shootout.

I see where your coming from but at the same time new players can get affected anywhere on the map by scenarios from shooting at Bazzar to car chases ending in wrecks. Players including new ones get affected all the time by stuff that happens in the server. I think if maybe let's say a timer was put in place that only allowed a casino heist maybe like 3 times a week that would be perfect since a casino heist is IMO crazier then a bank raid and to help limit new players getting affected by it

+1 for this idea would love to see it
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I strongly disagree as i believe casino shouldn't be a place for a shootout, imagine a new player trying to get a Casino spin or gambling resulting in his death.
Casino should only be a Casino in my opinion and not a place for a shootout.


This is an extremely moot argument. What about bank? Imagine a new player trying to get their first property and they die.
This is an extremely moot argument. What about bank? Imagine a new player trying to get their first property and they die.
I think it's unrealistic, that's all.
The server is turning into PayDay 2 and that's what i don't want.
Also, there's a no weapon policy inside casino, that's a thing i like.
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I think it's unrealistic, that's all.
The server is turning into PayDay 2 and that's what i don't want.
There comes a point where the realism argument loses its validity. The server is meant to emulate real life to an ENJOYABLE extent. I can name 101 things that aren’t realistic. This is a novel and refreshing idea that I think will add more variety and fun to the crim side of things on the server.
There comes a point where the realism argument loses its validity. The server is meant to emulate real life to an ENJOYABLE extent. I can name 101 things that aren’t realistic. This is a novel and refreshing idea that I think will add more variety and fun to the crim side of things on the server.
I think Gas Station Robberies would be alot better, you pull up to the Gas Station and do a quick robbery, then drive off.
I strongly disagree as i believe casino shouldn't be a place for a shootout, imagine a new player trying to get a Casino spin or gambling resulting in his death.
Casino should only be a Casino in my opinion and not a place for a shootout.

Then maybe you should actually read the suggestion because as mentioned like 8 times within the suggestion I very specifically mention the nature of activity specifically not being a shootout.

Unlike bank raids, the ability to fight cops in the lobby of the casino should be prevented entirely within the safe zone, making this a non-pvp oriented heist (unless you get busted on your way out, then you may shoot).

Rather than being a shootout, the idea here is to add a series of obstacle courses and puzzles for players to solve and overcome to retrieve their rewards. This is good as it can be done without ruining the player safe zone inside the casino.
Non PVP oriented criminal activity with a decent payout.
I think Gas Station Robberies would be alot better, you pull up to the Gas Station and do a quick robbery, then drive off.
You can't just use the whole "what if a new player went here blah blah" when what you're suggesting can possibly result in the same thing. This suggestion and the Car dealer suggestion Benji posted are great ideas that probably wont get implemented.
You can't just use the whole "what if a new player went here blah blah" when what you're suggesting can possibly result in the same thing. This suggestion and the Car dealer suggestion Benji posted are great ideas that probably wont get implemented.
Yeh sure.
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