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Reaction score
The peace and justice movement has to expand and not run away from the plight

Background Story
Castillo roamed around the poor streets of Italy. With only a rough pieces of shirt on there chests , they survived. They scavenged for food , water and a place to sleep and weirdly they accomplished it. Every day they would see fancy super cars , people in expensive suits and expensive accessories and that was there aim.
They move to Paralake to see if they could have a better life.
and Paralake is where it all started.

What we enjoy doing
We enjoy weapons , fancy cars , and money
And not everything is that legal , We own shops to sell weapons to the citizens , do 'Legal' activities to get a bit of easy cash.
And we sometimes have a 'Explosive' surprise for the government workers.


The Cycle

Our Expectations of Castillo soldiers!
We expect well behaved , mature soldiers in Castillo
Each soldier must always keep by these rules or you will be kicked or de ranked.
1. All soldiers must always where the Attire! Any changes to the Attire without informing the leaders will lead to a kick or demotion

2. All soldiers must always do what higher ranking members tell them to do! Or it will lead to a demotion or kick

3. All soldiers MUST NEVER attract any attention to the base , that means citizens or police! - If you would like to place a order , leave the base then make it etc..

4. Soldiers must attend the meetings that are being hosted. If you cannot attend you must give a reason to the leader! or it will lead to a demotion or which depending on your current rank maybe a kick.
The Rules of Castillo
1. Never bring attention to the base

2. No life alerts are needed!

3. Always do what a higher ranking is telling you to do.

4. Is a fellow member of the organisation is requesting transportation and you are able to give it to them. Do it.

5. Soldiers must always be active If not , you will receive the rank "Inactive" Once you have received the rank you have 7 work days to come on and be active , or you'll be kicked from the organisation

6. When you join the organisation you MUST change your clothes to the Attire before coming to the base.

7. Don't do Raids/Mugs etc, without you knowing who it is etc, don't want any problems because of dumb mistakes..

8. Members who leaves the organisation without telling the leaders will get killed for their actions.

9. Members who leave the organisation without telling the leaders will be taken cared of in a harsh and harmful way.

10. Do NOT steal from fellow organisation members or it will lead to a instant kick.

11. Show respect to everyone in the organisation

12. Once outside of base . You MUST act mature and sensible , no fooling around and getting hate to the organisation

13. If One of the Members needs help, you help them, no questions asked.

Follow these rules and your life in the organisation will be a pleasure.
any member who breaks these rules report it to the leaders or current active higher ranking!
Weaponry we use





Members List

Shot Caller

The Leader of the organisation

High Council
The Underboss of the organisation , a trusted member by the leader.

Street Soldiers
The Soldiers who rule the streets and protect the base. They base with the rest of the organisation as well

These are the soldiers who have just joined the organisation and are on 'Trial'

The Attire is very simple.
A Black suit with a C on the chest.
With Black suit pants.
and Suit shoes!
Sun glasses are allowed but must be aviators - Any other shades will not be tolerated
This Attire must be worn while being a member of the organisation!

Car Colour + Accessories
Each member of the organisation should have there car colour as black.

Car Accessories
We do allow car Accessories as long as there not over the top , with spoilers , skirts etc. We are a classic organisation , we aren't a racing org...

Looking to Apply?
Apply below using the application Format
and post it under Castillo Applications or here!

IC Name + OC Name :

IC +OC Name :

Current IG Car :

How much money do you have :

Your Phone Number (IG) :

Steam Community Link :

Do you understand that you have to change your clothes to the attire? :

Current Updateof the application systems
If you get accepted to the organisation you will either get Trial or soldier. If you receive Trial you will have to attend to a interview to see if you got what it takes. either be on TeamSpeak or at our base. Just a few simple questions nothing harsh

Don't want to apply here? Apply on the application thread!
Its the same thing and you get a faster response!

Allies and Associates
Ally Organisations
Murtsley Industries
Avito *disbanded for a bit*

Neutral Organisations

Enemy Organisations

War Status: We are currently in no active war.

Current Territory
At this time we do not have any territory of our own.
Hoping in the future we will.

Current Application status
Accepting members


The Boss of Castillo
Ayjay Axton

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Thread title- Callisto
Org name/Picture- Castillo
Fix your stuff son.
Also this org is basically the same as every other powergrowing mess, except it has a really nice-looking org page that isn't half arsed (Like all of mine).
Good luck with it though, I guess.
Thread is Updated!
1. Applications Updated
2. Attire Updated
3. Added extra information of what we do
4. Added more organisation rules!
and more!

Title issue
*I cannot change the title which I am asking a staff member to do it for me*​
Thread Is Updated
Things that were added
1. A New Alliance

2. More information which to replace the information I removed.
I doubt this org will stay up for 2 minutes like the Coast Familia but you have put a lot more effort into this and if you actually don't disband it then it will probably be a good org.
This is to all members!
There is going to be a Meeting on Sunday 3rd of April!
All soldiers must attend unless having permission from underboss + or having a valid reason

The Meeting will include:
A Organisation Photo which will be published on our organisation page.

Promotion's of soldiers.

Organised basing etc.
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Dear Castillo,

Just so you know I am The Avito's official leader of relations, I am the one who deals with other organisations and make sure we all maintain a mutual relationship. The words stated by another boss of the organisation are unforgivable and I am truly sorry. It isn't undeniable that if war was to happen we wouldn't have a single issue fighting against you, but as I said earlier, I want to uphold peaceful relations with everyone.

I give you this letter with hopes that you will reconsider the outcome of your post. Hope you have a good day,

Lewis Doman
It will re - open in further notice!
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