Version 3

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Reaction score
Version 3
Victory And Faith is what we earn

What do we enjoy doing?
We enjoy weapons , fancy cars , and money
And not everything is that legal , We own shops to sell weapons to the citizens , do 'Legal' activities to get a bit of easy cash. And we sometimes have a 'Explosive' surprise for the government workers.
The Cycle

The Leader of the organisation , gives calls and shots to fellow members.

The Co Founder of the organisation. When the founder(s) are not online. He gives the shots
Expert Member

Senior Member




Our Expectations of Version 3 Members!
We expect well behaved , mature soldiers in Version 3
Each soldier must always keep by these rules or you will be kicked or de ranked.

1. All soldiers must always where the Attire! Any changes to the Attire without informing the leaders will lead to a kick or demotion

2. All soldiers must always do what higher ranking members tell them to do! Or it will lead to a demotion or kick

3. All soldiers MUST NEVER attract any attention to the base , that means citizens or police! - If you would like to place a order , leave the base then make it etc..

4. Soldiers must attend the meetings that are being hosted. If you cannot attend you must give a reason to the leader! or it will lead to a demotion or which depending on your current rank maybe a kick.

The Rules of Version 3
1. Never bring attention to the base

2. No life alerts are needed!

3. Always do what a higher ranking is telling you to do.

4. Is a fellow member of the organisation is requesting transportation and you are able to give it to them. Do it.

5. Soldiers must always be active If not , you will receive the rank "Inactive" Once you have received the rank you have 7 work days to come on and be active , or you'll be kicked from the organisation

6. When you join the organisation you MUST change your clothes to the Attire before coming to the base.

7. Don't do Raids/Mugs etc, without you knowing who it is etc, don't want any problems because of dumb mistakes..

8. Members who leave the organisation without telling the leaders will be taken cared of in a harsh and harmful way.

9 . Do NOT steal from fellow organisation members or it will lead to a instant kick.

10. Show respect to everyone in the organisation

11. Once outside of base . You MUST act mature and sensible , no fooling around and getting hate to the organisation

12. If One of the Members needs help, you help them, no questions asked.

Follow these rules and your life in the organisation will be a pleasure.
any member who breaks these rules report it to the leaders or current active higher ranking!
The Attire and car Colours
The Attire is a
must have All members should wear the current attire
A Full black tracksuit with 1 line on the arms and legs.
With a Grey undershirt!

If you have a car! No bright colours! Like Pink , Yellow , red etc!

Good Colours to have:
Dark Blue


Alliances and Current Status



Current War Status: Current Not in War

Thinking of applying? Go to the application section and apply there using the template!
Kind Regards
Caine Coast

Proud founder of Version 3!

F*ck the hate

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