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Topic: CCTV

Short explanation (in notes):
-This CCTV will come in a set what you can buy from the electrical shop in para lake
-it will come in a set small TV linked to a camera each set has there own link code and you could like yours to another camera if told the code

-It will not work if it is been shot because it will be destroyed witch means you will have to buy a repair kit and repair it your self

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

because it would be good for people setting up there own company's so they can protect drugs, guns, base, ect

Optional additions:
-Repair man job so they can come around with a tool kit and fix your TV's cameras lights ect
+support there sould be a guard job so you as a guard FX. could by a warehouse and putt up cams and mabey panic buttons to houses and shops and watch the screens and panic alarms.

The only thing i suggest that there should be a proplimit on these camera's from 1 to 3. To avoid having full controll everywhere.
Also it shouldn't be cheap since its a good observation tool.
or there could be no problimit on them the govement could have them on every street just like in london :D
there would be so much control that way muhahahaha!
- Support, the idea sounds pretty cool, and I would actually like it to be added. But the problem is that it is either near or impossible to add in. If it is near, it would take a very long time to add, and I do not think that this would be top priority. They might add it later in V2 or maybe even V3 but not anytime soon. Sorry, it's just the truth.
Blackdown said:
- Support, the idea sounds pretty cool, and I would actually like it to be added. But the problem is that it is either near or impossible to add in. If it is near, it would take a very long time to add, and I do not think that this would be top priority. They might add it later in V2 or maybe even V3 but not anytime soon. Sorry, it's just the truth.
Pro tip: There is a thing called tool gun>rc camera
+Support! I think i can mention a couple more reasons why this should be added and maybe a little improvement which will be mentioned in my note.

1: If your base is beeing raided you can have a TV which shows you the location of the raider's (As you mentioned, I just said it differently.

2: If you cover all the entrance's with a camera you'll get to see who's knocking on your door. (If they are armed or friends.)

Note: Maybe we can fit it with a tracker too. For instance. (If the guy who is knocking on your door is on your friend list it should say FRIENDLY on the TV, and if unknown or a possible raider UNKNOWN. But I think it will take time to make this change, because it's a couple of steps in the future. But great idea and I support you!

Have a nice day!! :)
Blackdown said:
- Support, the idea sounds pretty cool, and I would actually like it to be added. But the problem is that it is either near or impossible to add in. If it is near, it would take a very long time to add, and I do not think that this would be top priority. They might add it later in V2 or maybe even V3 but not anytime soon. Sorry, it's just the truth.
I have no idea about dev stuff, but as Brian said, it is already in GMod.

We can you use the tool RT camera for this, but the RT camera is unbelievably glitchy and you cant have it half way across the map so unless you could design it or pay someone to design it I do not give you my vote.
I like this idea, but it would have to be a solid code; the amount of glitches with the current mods that people have released completely outweigh the good things about having cameras.
Blackdown said:
- Support, the idea sounds pretty cool, and I would actually like it to be added. But the problem is that it is either near or impossible to add in. If it is near, it would take a very long time to add, and I do not think that this would be top priority. They might add it later in V2 or maybe even V3 but not anytime soon. Sorry, it's just the truth.
Not sure if you have ever tried using that rc camera on any type of server before, but that shit don't work when you have more than one person trying to use their cameras.
All complete opinion. This would 100% work, you could make it so the bank has there, and users can get into the room and use them for advantage of robbing the bank, it would bring a hole idea of realism to the game. It can cause alot of problems and rules may have to be added, such as not using it for OOC reasons and getting info from things that they shouldn't even know about. It creates a complete new idea for alot of ideas that could be added to the server. But in my opinion, it is a very large step for the server and a very large step for the perpheads community. It may help for the idea to be tweeked in some form. But until this is further developed, I cannot agree with the hole idea being added.
Bradley said:
All complete opinion. This would 100% work, you could make it so the bank has there, and users can get into the room and use them for advantage of robbing the bank, it would bring a hole idea of realism to the game. It can cause alot of problems and rules may have to be added, such as not using it for OOC reasons and getting info from things that they shouldn't even know about. It creates a complete new idea for alot of ideas that could be added to the server. But in my opinion, it is a very large step for the server and a very large step for the perpheads community. It may help for the idea to be tweeked in some form. But until this is further developed, I cannot agree with the hole idea being added.
Yes, in controlled areas having a camera display would be alright (although the bank has no control room as such) but allowing people to privately own/view their own surveillance cameras I find to be a terrible idea in all honesty.
Martin Johansen said:
+Support! I think i can mention a couple more reasons why this should be added and maybe a little improvement which will be mentioned in my note.

1: If your base is beeing raided you can have a TV which shows you the location of the raider's (As you mentioned, I just said it differently.

2: If you cover all the entrance's with a camera you'll get to see who's knocking on your door. (If they are armed or friends.)

Note: Maybe we can fit it with a tracker too. For instance. (If the guy who is knocking on your door is on your friend list it should say FRIENDLY on the TV, and if unknown or a possible raider UNKNOWN. But I think it will take time to make this change, because it's a couple of steps in the future. But great idea and I support you!

Have a nice day!! :)
Clearly this says how bad it would truly be to have this idea... because...
1) You are treating your house as some bunker not a real house. If you need to have cameras watching everyone's movements outside you must be rather paranoid and likely having some illegal happenings inside.
2) This is something you should assess yourself by looking at people approaching the house through windows, not behind some camera, some risk needs to be taken.

As for the note, I have a feeling anyone that sees "UNKNOWN" pop up on their screen would simply gun the person down without ever having to physically see the other person, so it would make raiding practically impossible and take away a lot of the fun of it on both sides if you could simply find where someone is without having to seek them out yourself.
+/- Neuter
This could cause some problems but it could use Garrys Mod's built in camera feature
I Agree with Rutger. I Can see how this would be beneficial in many ways and would improve realistic gameplay in many ways however, adding this would make rp situations way too OP as nearly everyone would buy this CCTV making it impossible for rival gangs or raiders to raid each others places and to sneak up on other people. Overall im +/- Neutral on this, I Would like to test this out before it is/if it is ever partly released just to see how the system partly works and to see it with first hand experience. Maybe add BETA testing for this if it ever gets approved :?
It sounds pretty cool and would be super awesome to have but its probably super hard to add to the game.
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