Change the price for selling cars...

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Topic: Improve on the selling price for cars

Short explanation (in notes):
- Currently you only get 50% back of what you bought for the car.
- It should be changed to take a certain ammount off or take less off for cheaper cars and a bit more for more expensive cars.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
If you, for example, buy a car for 1 million, why would it only be worth 500k when you sell it again? Surely it would be worth 700k or so. You have just lost 500k despite the fact the car is worth a lot more. Whereas if you sell a mini (30k to buy i think?), its worth 15k to sell. Why would there be such a large selling price difference.....

Optional additions:
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Obviously there are multiple reasons why its like that. One of those reasons (I'd say) is that you are basically selling a used car and obviously do not get the full price back.
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