Character History/Biography

Reaction score
Saudi Arabia
This is a small IC section, For better PassiveRP and to increase it, Follow the example underneath, (-TOTALLY NOT STOLEN-)


Character name:


Nationality: (What nationalities does your character have?)

DoB: (Date of Birth)


Build: (Build if your character)

Relationship Status: (What's your character's relationship status?)

Family: (Does your character have family members?)

Mental state: (Is your character insane, unstable, sane?)

Equipment: (What kind of equipment does your character carry?)

Background Story: (Background story and or more to define your character's past or present)

(The personal relation chart that defines what kind of opinion your character has on that certain person)

Adored - Admired - LoveInterest - Comrade - GreatFriend - Friend - Respected
- Liked - Acquaintance - Neutral - Disliked - Hated -Despised - Death Wish - Demonized

Personal Relationships: (What kind of relationships does your character have with other people? Are they friendly, hostile?)'

((EXAMPLE: "John Doe" - Death Wish: He's rude to me, Thinks he's the best in town, I Hope he dies))

Theme song:

You may Edit anything with the template
Character name: Shaniqua Cesmires

Nationality: Nigerian

DoB: -


Build: Normal build

Relationship Status: In a relationship with Allah

Family: Other Bakassi

Mental state: Crazy... for Allah

Equipment: Machete, Pumpkin, Burkha

Background Story: At the mere age of 7, a group of soldiers, dedicated to the local warlord decimated Shaniqua's home town. As one of the men tried to drag Shaniqua off to become a slave for the local warlord, she fought back, grabbing a nearby weapon and struck down the aggressive soldier. Bearing witness to this was one of the generals of the local warlords and laying eyes upon Shaniqua's hidden talent took her in as one of her own. Extensively, Shaniqua was taught close-quarter combat with both melee weapons and using her bare hands. However her favorite weapon to use to strike down villages and infidels with, was the infamous machete.
The years went on and as Shaniqua went from village to village, killing and pillaging, her love for the great one above, Allah, grew.
However one day when she was attacking a village, she did not expect the Nigerian Army to have showed up and decimated Shaniqua's fellow soldier, and also her idol, the man who trained her... the general.
In a state of frenzy after watching her friends getting killed one by one by the Nigerian army, she slaughtered any and all of the army soldier and in the end, it was only her remaining. Standing amidst the ruins of the village, having watched her close friends die, Shaniqua wandered off into the great distance until she found herself in another village consisting of members of Boko Haram. Thinking that Shaniqua was just a regular woman, a stray coming in by herself, they thought they would take her as their own. However this one mistake would prove deadly for some of the member of Boko as when they tried to grab her, in fel swipe, Shaniqua had cut their hands clean off with her trusted machete. Oh how the soldier screamed not only in agony, but also in shock as Shaniqua clearly was not what they were expecting.
Bearing witness to this was Shaniqua Longdong, who in her travels to look for slaves to sell and trade, took the lost soul under her wing and guided her in the name of the great Allah.
Many years have passed since the fateful encounter and Shaniqua has now found herself in Paralake City, where she will help guide future generations into Sharia Law so that the infidels may be punished and Allah's will be granted with the great Bakassi Haram.

Personal Relationships:
Infidels: Hated -Despised - Death Wish - Demonized

Theme song:
Character name: Joseph Zepol

Nationality: Welsh

DoB: 08/05/1986

Age: 29

Build: Average Muscle in torso and arms, Muscly legs.

Relationship Status: Single

Jake Lopez, Zac Henry, John Hermandez, Jamie Wood, Alex Allen (Brothers)/\ Kyle Davis (Son) /\ Sam Arnolds (Father) /\

Mental state: Sane

Equipment: Flashlight, Baseball Bat, Glock.

Background Story: Ever since Joseph was born, everyone knew something was wrong with him. He was always stealing items, picking up dangerous weaponry, all kinds of things. But no-one ever thought he would get himself into this kind of trouble.
Yes, bad trouble. He always gets in trouble with the police for various reasons. From tickets for illegal parking, to years in jail for murder.
But none of that now, this is his backstory. Right? RIGHT?
When Joseph was a child, he was beaten by his father. His father didn't like children, but he was still addicted to having sex with his wife, the sick man. He carried on having sex with her, occasionally even resorting to rape, and had four more children. Again, he beat them for years on end.
One day, when Joseph was but fifteen years old, he stood up to his old man. He got his friends from the Hell's Angels (Wales Chapter) and beat the living crap out of his father, chasing him away from the poor town of Pencaenewydd for good.
But Joseph wasn't done there, he was bloodthirsty after that. He began to mix with dangerous people. People from street gangs, mafias, Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs), and other kinds of criminals.
But one day, he went to EvoCity. There he met Zac Henry, his long-lost brother who was abandoned as a child. Still, Zac had a large bump on his head from where he hit the side of the hospital bed when he was born. This caused him to have a minor autism, also it might just be because he's Zac.

But Joseph met his brother in EvoCity, and he decided to buy the office building. There, him and Zac spent weeks growing drugs and printing money.
Then, Zac was gone.
Joseph searched everywhere for him. He searched local towns, cities, even states.
But then he found Zac.
In Paralake City.
Joseph met Zac in the city hall with his gang, the Lopez Family. The Lopez Family was a hated gang in the city, but Joseph didn't care. Joseph joined his brother's gang, and met the members.
But it turns out, these weren't just regular members.
These were his brothers.
Joseph was delighted to see them! He hugged every one of them and got to know what they were doing as a job, what their relationship was like, etc.
And Joseph carried on with his gang life in Paralake City, making his way up the ranks, hopefully reaching the top soon. Joining the most feared gang in Paralake City...

Adored - Admired - LoveInterest - Comrade - GreatFriend - Friend - Respected
- Liked - Acquaintance - Neutral - Disliked -Hated -Despised - Death Wish - Demonized

Respected- Robin Ljunberg. A friendly guy, and also really successful.

Death Wish- Yamashita Shigetaka. Tries to mess with me and my friends, he 'aint gonna live to be an old man.

Friend- Imed Lamar, great guy. Helped me get out of a few bad situations.

LoveInterest- Jessy Anderson. Keeps bantering with her all the time, reminds him a bit of his old wife.

Personal Relationships: Friendly towards most citizens of Paralake.

Theme Song:

A list of people who I mentioned in this:
@Robin Handsomealot
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Character name: Harry Barnett

Aliases: Barnett, cool kid, The Dark Lord of the Minges

Nationality: 1/37th Ethiopian, 16/37th Chinese, 20/37th English

DoB: 25/7/1897

Age: 118

Build: Male_09

Relationship Status: Engaged to his right hand.

Family: An army of slaves

Mental state: Unstable

Equipment: 15 hamburgers stuffed in his pocket, bobby pins, grenades, random bits of ammo he forgot to put in storage.

Background Story: He was born in rp_downtown in 1897 where he was trained in the ancient arts of the Order of the Minge Lords. He moved to Evocity in 2013 for a bit but then he went to sleep for a long time and was then "permanently" evicted from rp_paralake_city_v1 but then he arrived in the newly updated rp_paralake_city_v2. Then he grew drugs with some scrub called Tyla Gay or something then he joined a few orgs then rp_paralake_city_v3 came along and he began to put his dark side minge powers to use with the notorious minge lord Josh Morrison.

(The personal relation chart that defines what kind of opinion your character has on that certain person)
Adored - Pablo Morrigaye/Emperor Palpatine/Josh Morrison or whatever the fuck his name is
Comrade - Robert Crane (pls come back)
Disliked - Oskar Giles
Demonized - Oscar Trulock/Boscar Sapling or whatever the fuck his name is
Character name: Pablo Morrigay

Aliases: King of the minges, captenspaghetay, captainsaltghetti, captainspazghetti, fucking mong, fat cunt, pablo gaylazar.

Nationality: am fae fife

DoB: 11/9/69

Age: 96

Build: I'm a steroids addict so am very stronk

Relationship Status: Unavailable (Kings cannot marry peasants)

Family: Harry Barnett - Adopted spastic Yorkshire donkey

Mental state:
My character is the biggest fucking minge possible and finds the deaths of innocent people quite amusing

Chastity belts and lightsabers.

Background Story: (Background story and or more to define your character's past or present)
Pablo is fae fife, he tried for a very long time to take life seriously but just got used to fitting in with the minges.
Pablo joined Cancer+ but was kicked out for the reason of being a "fat cunt" (not spelled correctly).
After this, Pablo decided to leave Paralake for a while and then came back to annoy people and become the king of the minges.
When Pablo is not annoying people and going on massacres, he is normally stalking online forums, breaking all the rules, receiving over 30 warnings and never getting banned because the admins secretly love him.

Adored - Harry Barnett - He's a mong but I love him

Demonized - Gary Dyslexsky - Just a bit of a salty idiot really.

Personal Relationships:
Harry Barnett, My apprentice minge - I tolerate his existence.
Character name: Jian Huan
Aliases: Pear, Ivan, retard ,special child and so on and so...

Nationality:Pryp'yat', Kyivs'ka oblast, Ukraine
DoB: April 25, 1986, 10:23 PM
Age: 29
Build: Small and weak
Relationship Status: With Abdi Abdullah strictly Professional
Daymon he is weird...
Family: None, was born from an mutated egg cell that grew in a reactor
Mental state: Schizophrenia and Bipolar
Equipment: Green everything
Background Story: Was a nuclear spillage that ionized the DNA in a zygote (don't ask me how it got there) and then grew in the nuclear waste. I tend to glow at night. Then I joined Ukrainian terrorist group where I was shipped to Paralake; then had plastic surgery. I was originally called Ivan Pashkaverka however then became Asian to avoid suspicion.
Adored- Abdi he is one sexy motherfucker would tap
Demonized - David Green he is the king of all retards
Personal Relationships: Abdi would tap again our relationship is strictly Professional

Character name: Tim Jimzon

Nationality: White English

DoB: 04/05/1990

Age: 25

Build: 5ft 11", Average Build

Relationship Status: Married to Ayjay Harlem (Ha gay)

Family: Fuck no, I killed them all by the age of 5

Mental state: Clear brain damage with a hint of autism to top it off.

Equipment: Normally found with a baseball bat or desert eagle.

Background Story: Arrived in Evocity by train with friends James May and Jim Guckenheim, quickly found wealth via the drug cartel 'The Pacifictas' before splitting off to begin 'Cash Inc' a drug ring that soon dominated Evocity from it's headquarters in the Office building, pillaged and burnt smaller Cartels to the ground before disbanding the group to retire and join the old man group 'Jarheads', moved with hundreds of others to the new town of paralake, shortly after joining expressed his disapproval of the move and tried to find the train back to Evocity, although no trains were ever scheduled. After giving away most of his net worth to Isac Crow and Joe Carrot Spacky, Tim found himself as a homeless man wondering around aimlessly in the dense city, after months of homelessness, Tim founded the 'Government' run organisation FBI (Federal Bureau of Idiots) and began using his new found fame to scam the population of Paralake into thinking he was a real FBI agent trying to aid the police in any way possible, he charged as much as $500,000 to join the group, after scamming countless people and taking upwards of 3.4 million dollars, Tim Disbanded the group, retired and bought a Lamborghini Murcielago LP 670SV-4. These Days Tim can be found roaming the streets of Paralake with no purpose as he has grown tired of the City and is still looking for a way to return to Evocity.

Personal Relationships:
Hates anyone under the age of 17, Hates Russians, Hates the Polish, Hates the Swedish, Basically hates everyone.
Charachter Name: James Simeon




Thicc white boi

Relationship Status:
Married to his right hand

Mum and dad

Mental state:
Don't fuck with him

Desert Eagle in his fanny pack

Background story:
Came into Paralake and became a cop, he started off killing crims and arresting tax evaders. When he heard that the PLPD is going to be whitelisted, he started making guns and earned some good shekels on the way. He met a guy called Peter Wolf in the car dealership. He talked to him about people buying minicoopers and spending 1mil on them but the conversation somehow went to them talking about lawnmowers with neon kits. He got into his org called 'Kommando 9'. He got kicked out because he was too cool for those guys and made his own shitty org where he gained arround 4 members and grew weed in Business shops disguised as gun shops. He disbanded the org after it became an inactive sausage fest. He met a guy called Josef Trapani and got into his low budget org. This org later grew and expanded. He made loads of shekels in that org. Later, he joined Trapani Pasta in order to make even more shekels but kept complaining about 'lag'.

Personal relationships:
hates lag, loves pasta, loves shekels and will do anything to make shekels.
Character name: Gary Belinsky

Aliases: Is that D3V?, minge, cunt, twat, fucking reject, waste of human resources, kay why ess, arse hole, oh it's you

Nationality: Aberdeenian

DoB: Some time before 2012

Age: ^

Build: Big arms, 3 big legs, strong head(s)

Relationship Status: N/A

Family: 6 dads

Mental state:

Equipment: 2 hands, Candy Cane, extra 6 chromosomes

Background Story:
Born in Aberdeen, Gary was prone to shagging sheep and murdering little children who asked for their football back when he stole it and so because of this, he thought he was a mega hardman and decided to ROB A BANK but he didn't actually know how rob a bank and got caught and died BUT THEN he came back through the power of the Belinsky and was born a new man in evocity but then it somehow transformed into Paralake and shit. He made an org, got salty and kicked out people from the org(s) when he felt like it with Fedorable as his ambassador. Now he justs baits people into fights and kills them for fun.

Personal Relationships: Hates the entire staff team, hates spastics
was gay delte
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