Character Kill [CK]

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Right. Let's say everything's gone to shit and you don't feel like you don't want your character anymore, you want to start all over again, just like the first time you got on the server.

I think people should be able to Character Kill [CK] their characters if let's say they get shot and killed during a police situation or any other situation evolving to the characters death.

After you CK you will pretty much have to start all over again, new name, level 0 in everything, starter money, no cars, etc. This is good for people who want some kind of challenge, it's also good for people who reached rock bottom in their economy.
My question is this why would you do this then spend ages to get your skills back up and lose as you said everything.

Name one person who would be interested in doing this. This is I suspect adapted from clockwork or something similar however it just would not work here. I will not support this due to the fact that no one would do this it took me ages to get where I am.
+/- neutral.
Pro: This would actually make people scared from death which means they wouldn't do risky things like raids and things only to get 5k.
Contra: I would think that the server would require a whitelist so this system works. I wouldn't want to put my skills, money, possessions back to where I started only cause some sweater cop killed me for no reason.

Even if Pro is pretty short, its very heavy in its meaning. But I still stay neutral, leaning to pro, since there is the risk to high that you get killed for no reason
Although I'm in support of the idea as my roots are NutScript, OpenAura/Clockwork etc I honestly don't think it'd work in this kind of environment, for similar reasons as to what Death Howl said.
*gets killed by micheal boyle*
*rages and smashes keyboard*

*spawns in as sweatervest with an empty inventory*

Ehh, not really neccesary.
Just give fredy a saugage to reset your database :kappa:

@Simon The Savage

@Sdac2 is a man you do not want to encounter as a police officer..
You don't seem to understand what you have written within this suggestion to be honest, the original posts says you'll have to recieve a character kill, but within your replies you say that it's optional. This is a silly concept that kills off a lot of fun for a huge part of the playerbase. This server is to emulate real life to the extent where it's fun, not so you'll be afraid to move out of your house due to there being others outside. Let's say there are no paramedics at a time, which there realistically would be, and you get killed by e.g a vehicle where you could have been revived? Well that's bad, you lose cause a sweatervest lagged out.
I really like this idea, a lot of people think I'm a retard for liking it, but cars would be cheaper, guns would be cheaper, and everything.

Problem is: People don't want to "Lose characters they've developed for years" or some other bullshit @John Daymon, (Actually they just have an expensive car)
We got a new Ryan the Russian Dog dont we
God people ask this question when making a suggestion: DOES THE SUGGESTION ADD ANYTHING TO THE SERVER?
Because if not, dont suggest it. Btw use the template. Ty.
Stephen accept this and make player owned economy a thing thanks
I honestly don't want this, I'd blast through the vehicle list in the matter of one week. I want to have something to look forward to, not be disappointed that i have literally nothing left to do because CK is a thing.

Although you don't respawn in "real life" what hinders you from re-spawning in-game? I mean, we already have New Life Rule (NLR) which should prevent people from remembering their past life, that's enough in my opinion.
If you were forced to lose everything you worked your ass off for two years, would you enjoy having to die and lose all that? Death isn't a rare thing in paralake, although the population is very minimum. People tend to murder the fucking shit out of eachother because they can, and want to raid.
(raid happy fgts :booty:
Although people would be way careful about what they do once they have a ton of shit, some won't because their economy went down the shitter, and most likely would just suicide.

I feel like this removes a massive part of the gamemode
Saving up money for a car is pointless because you could simply die in a car crash and lose everything you worked over a long time for.

This doesn't seem like the best idea IMO, and I would not like to see this implemented anytime soon.
Is it still that hard to understand that you will never have to be FORCED to CK, you can choose to CK whenever you want.

Jesus I've said it around 5 times now and people STILL don't understand. You will never be forced to CK just because you die, you can choose to CK (Which permanently kills your character, this means the story and legacy your char created is now over and people can mourn your death if they want to.) and be over with it. That's why I'm saying, to the people that don't WANT to be CKed, why are you even acting like this will ruin your gaming experience? You WILL NOT be affected by it unless you choose to CK yourself. Jesus fucking Christ.
You create your character upon joining, and every single thing you add to your character can manually be changed after creation. Your face, name, clothes, genetics can be changed when you're in-game.. what's the point in adding a feature for this?

It seems a little stupid to me, and wouldn't add anything beneficial.
Well, I approve this suggestion, but a few things should be changed.

Let me explain short, you dont lose any stats or cars or other stuff, but you have to change your name and apperance. It's like the NLR-rule but it's more strict, instead of just gettig killed and be like "hmph, 4 min NLR-Rule", you actaully have to kinda start over with relations and contacts.

This sounds like something good, however, losing everything? No, I can agree to changing name and appearance but not like losing everything. If you get to keep your levels, cars etc but maybe start with a lil' money that should work. But you get to keep your stats however, this can bring a lot more roleplay to Perpheads. The server atm isn't really much roleplay in my opinion, sure it works. But there's a lot of people trolling for sure. If you are in a organization for example, you agree to CK when you accept the invitation. There for, if you have messed up your org. real bad. You then deserve a CK, not just a regular NLR-Kill. So people take roleplay more serious, if you mess something up, you have to pay for it. Instead, as I said... Just a regular NLR-Kill. I like the idea, people don't understand how this works but for me and Simon who has been playing other roleplay games has this rule. This could stop people from trolling a lot and make roleplaying more interesting. Too bad GMOD can't handle a lot of players on a server, that would be even greater. This is a great suggestion, I approve it 100%!

Sorry for the bad english, havn't been typing in english for a few month now. Hope you understand.
is this like perma kill on hl2rp server or something because it looks like a case of butthurt to me
*Gets RDMed while loading in*
*No Staff online but you respawn and your character is reset*
You have to make a AR which can have up to a week response time.
*Redos shit as new character*
*AR Accepted*
Wat do? Rolling back a character?

TLDR: This is stupid and has too many flaws, Even if you can choose or not its still exploitable.
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There will be no point on saving money then... Not even talking about storage system and firearms level

Perpheads is pretty original community and it has own ways in the server, if you dont like the way of this community and want other ways, feel free to go other servers. Perp is a different game mode than other serious roleplay servers.

And you should stop abusing the rate system.
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I really feel like half the people don't read the thread.

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