Chief of Department Recruitment

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Chief of Department Recruitment

As some of you will have already seen, the previous Chief of Department @Acerius has resigned from his role. On behalf of the staff team, we thank him for all of his efforts in this role.

Unlike last time, there will not be an interim Chief of Department. Deputy Chief of Department @Hayden will maintain responsibility of running the PLPD.

We have now opened applications for a new Chief of Department on PLPD Online. I would encourage all who are interested in the role to apply. We have previously promoted non-command members to this role and non-staff members, so don't feel that you will be put at a disadvantage due to having a lower rank.

It is possible that we will also recruit a Deputy Chief of Department, so if you are interested in that role, you should also apply.

Applicants who pass the first stage will be interviewed by a panel selected from the PLPD Advisory Board, made up of independent and experienced members of community. None of these interviews will hold command roles, and will represent the Administration, Community Management and Development teams.

A final decision will then be made on the candidates by Owners, in consultation with the Administration and Community Management teams.
We have now started processing the applications for Chief of Department. There is no fixed deadline to submit your application, but if you take too long, we may already have selected a candidate.

If you intend to submit an application, please press the "Create Application" button by the end of Thursday at the latest. If you're already pressed the button and don't intend to submit an application, please withdraw the application.
We have now appointed @Hayden as Chief of Department. Hayden will now be included in the selection process for Deputy Chief of Department which will come from the same pool of applicants.
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