Map Suggestion Church parking place

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Sofia, Bulgaria
Suggestion Title: Church parking place
Suggestion Description: Add a parking place to the church, its really annoying to receive a ticket mainly because there is no parking space. So a basically parking space on like the left of the door for like 3 or 4 parking spaces.

Why should this be added?:
- will be more convenient

What negatives could this have?:
- N/A
I think easier solution would be adding a sentence or two into 12.4 Parking, saying that areas surrounding Church, Hicktown, Wood Cabins are exempt to this law. Even though seems kinda stupid that people ticket cars parked outside church, unless they are parked in the forest or the cemetery. Like no reasonable person would ticket a car outside Hicktown just because there are no Parking Road Markings. I think that if you have time to dispute the ticket, any reasonable supervisor would remove that ticket
I think easier solution would be adding a sentence or two into 12.4 Parking, saying that areas surrounding Church, Hicktown, Wood Cabins are exempt to this law. Even though seems kinda stupid that people ticket cars parked outside church, unless they are parked in the forest or the cemetery. Like no reasonable person would ticket a car outside Hicktown just because there are no Parking Road Markings. I think that if you have time to dispute the ticket, any reasonable supervisor would remove that ticket
the law shouldn't be allowed to exempt specific areas in order to avoid controversy. Let it say "parking restrictions within private grounds is subject to the property owner" but even then it's quite hard as there are no defined property blueprints within the penal code
the law shouldn't be allowed to exempt specific areas in order to avoid controversy. Let it say "parking restrictions within private grounds is subject to the property owner" but even then it's quite hard as there are no defined property blueprints within the penal code
How about if it is written like this: If there is no area intended for parking, designated by the parking road markings, within a 50 metre distance of a property defined by the banks of Paralake City as being a Business or a Residence, it is permitted to park within a 10 metre radius of a property defined by the banks of Paralake City as being a Business or a Residence (while keepings this in mind: Vehicles may not be parked on public roads, sidewalks, pathways). I realize that this might be controversial, not clear enough or maybe too long. Do you think it would be fine like this?
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