Server Suggestion Make the parallel parking spots in front of storage temporary/time limited

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
No clue if map suggestion or not, mix of both.

Description of the idea: Make the parallel parking spots a temporary parking space for a maximum amount of 5 minutes. Some people abandon their vehicles and hop into others which leaves them blocking them for others trying to use it. Maybe add some parking meters next to it, they automatically enable as soon as you park your car next to them (free of charge). Anyone can hover over these vehicles and see their remaining time. You cannot extend the time, you need to leave the parking space with a small cooldown before you can use it again (1 minute). Needs a law addition.

12.4a Temporary Parking Spaces​

Vehicles may not park on designated temporary parking spaces longer than the amount of given time by the parking meter next to the designated parking spot. Drivers of vehicles who wish to extend their parking time must leave their parking space and come back later and wait for a minute to pass before they may use the parking spot again to free up the slot for other vehicles to use. You may not re-park your vehicle at a nearby temporary parking spot that is currently free if you've hit your time limit.

Infraction - liable to $1,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.

Why should this be added? (pros): Free up some space when the owner of the vehicle decided to conveniently ditch it in that space.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Police camp it for free money
Roadcrew camp it for free money
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I didnt even read it and I want it. There should be a little sign up saying how long the max stay is aswell :D
I made a suggestion to make it a loading bay for V5, but it wasn't added sadly. Here is the concept image:

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