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Use the proper ban appeal format, decide whether it is an appeal or a dispute and make it detailed and appealing.
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ok me and my frends tried to kiddnap the mayor and we recived a 3 day ban we had alredy talked to an admin and he sad it whas ok and nothing whas going to hapen
why you shoud remove the ban me and my frends did wait we planned until we kiddnap the mayor we thought it whas going to be easy and that we coud release the mayor and get 5 k. the one that reported ous typed to frends so the coud bring ous down the took 1 of my frends down the other ones survived the mayor escaped while driving in the van
3.12 Mayoral Assassination- Please note that any assassination of the mayor is very likely to be looked-into in depth and treated more strictly, meaning that players must have good/valid/reasonable reasons for such actions.

This should/does also apply for kidnappings of the mayor.

5.6 Hostage Taking- Player(s) may only take other players hostage if it is absolutely necessary and benefits the player to such an extent that it outweighs the risks. For example if taking a hostage will increase the chances of the player escaping the police substantially then a hostage can be taken.

Your reason for kidnapping AKA taking the mayor hostage is not valid.

Case closed, I guess.
I am the moderator who talked to you in game regarding this. What you did was not okay as it broke numerous rules, which I told you. I decided not to issue any actual warning/ban as you were cooperative and relatively new and seemed to understand what you did wrong. I talked to you about it instead. @Rogue Car Tyres has then seemingly made an AR without me realizing, which was then accepted by @Murtsley . This is simply miscommuncation whereas Rogue was not aware I dealt with his report in game, and @Murtsley had no chance of knowing either.
You kidnapped me in a public area, flailing your guns around everywhere pointing them at people for 5k?
You had no reason to kidnap me and you had a very low chance of escaping.
I was particularly annoyed at the fact that you shot @Momo without any consideration of your actions and you actually thought you were going to get away in a GMC van with a lot of witnesses.

So I can understand @Minilarro 's point of view to you being newcomers, but you deserve to be punished just like everyone else who break the rules and you should take time to read over them as well because the actions you took really annoyed me.
steam id STEAM_0:0:62036977

roleplay name: martin johansson

:steam name rumblemartin

the reson

ok me and my frends tried to kiddnap the mayor and we recived a 3 day ban and he had uploded a video with ous the video didnt here what we where saying only what he said a admin talked to ous later and said that it whas alright

the admin that banned me = murtsley
the ban forum
Name the admin.
Name the admin.
i dont know the name of the admin that talked to me after the kiddnap

we where talking to him around 20:40 swedish time
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