Clothing Color Hex Code

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Let me put this very basic, first of all, if you would please stop creating an entirely new thread for each small thing, but if related to an already open thread continue the conversation in there. Or in your case combine it in your original post. I see that between you and @Hazza56 there have been at least 4 new threads talking about organization related things so discuss together in the posts the different ways which you think they should be improved than just +supporting as that does not move the idea forward, it is valuable contributions to the idea that do.

Moving on to this idea specifically. I see absolutely no reason for this, the reason we don't allow you to pick your specific face at this time is due to the fact I do not want organizations that look like a group of clones, as to me this ruins RP. So based on that, allowing people to easily pick a very exact shade of a color is not good either. I have nothing against organizations having colors they like to represent, but I see no RP reason that they should match to such a high degree.
If someone that is in support of this idea could respond to this to give me some insight into the points I raise in my previous post that would be appreciated, otherwise I will close this idea in a couple days.
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  • Let me put this very basic, first of all, if you would please stop creating an entirely new thread for each small thing, but if related to an already open thread continue the conversation in there. Or in your case combine it in your original post. I see that between you and @@Hazza56 there have been at least 4 new threads talking about organization related things so discuss together in the posts the different ways which you think they should be improved than just +supporting as that does not move the idea forward, it is valuable contributions to the idea that do.

    Moving on to this idea specifically. I see absolutely no reason for this, the reason we don't allow you to pick your specific face at this time is due to the fact I do not want organizations that look like a group of clones, as to me this ruins RP. So based on that, allowing people to easily pick a very exact shade of a color is not good either. I have nothing against organizations having colors they like to represent, but I see no RP reason that they should match to such a high degree.

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