Organisations Dress code

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A dress code for organisations.

Short explanation
If you are in an organisation with a specific dress code, you can see a preview of the specific clothing at the Clothing Store.

Detailed description
Take for example the organisation Peanut.
In peanut, you have to wear black jeans, a brown sweater and brown shoes.
The owner of Peanut, mister Apple, set this as the Organisations Dress code.
The members of Peanut, can now see a a preview in the clothing changer at the clothing shop.
Their outfit changes to the predefined Peanut look.
If mister Apple ever decides to change Peanut's dress code, he can just change it in the Organisations Admin Panel.
When mister Apple changed the brown sweater to a brown t-shirt, the members which chose to wear Peanut's look, can now just see the new dress code.

Optional additions
- This option should cost in-game money. Not require VIP.
- To change the predefined look, the organisation owner must be VIP and / or charged in-game money.
- In the Organisations Panel, there should be an option to disable Organisation Dress Codes.
- This can include color hex codes.
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-This does not feature anything the players actually need. Anyone can look up the forums and buy the clothes they need.
-The work of development will hardly return to the playerbase.

Thus, it's a -support from me. This feature is worthless as it currently stands on the table.

-Really excessive.
-That way people could disguise like some other org in a milisecound
-run up to jennifer in a police chase and change clothes in the split of a second and then not be r r recongnised
-If an org has a dress code they should tell their players/post it.
When joining a gang in real life, you go and get clothes and place them on; you don't just magically press a button and they appear for you. I do understand what you're saying, it would be eaiser to do this but sometimes it's not about ease but about the point of roleplay.

I don't think this is a good idea at all, and roleplay is more enhanced without adding this and as much as it may benefit you in-character it is totally not needed. However, upon people joining your organisation, they take a trip to Jennifers and put your colour on; I for one know how wrong people get the colour of the organisations so I think that either a colour picker or HEX code support should be added in order for people to get the exact colour for things such as organisations.
I will change this:

Not the button click, but maybe just a preview of the dress code + hex codes?
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