Code Monkey

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: A1L / Nicolas Maas
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Code Monkey / Brandy Martello
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:183447894
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1.1, 2.5, Told me to hang myself in OOC chat, didn't even realise. And then proceeded to raid me and just rdm me with a grenade, no excuse to just be throwing a grenade in the room when he didn't even know if anyone was armed.
Evidence (Demo Required):

It wasn't RDM, it was a raid. We use grenades to raid. We had no idea if you were armed or not. I think Code Monkey can cover the 1.1 bit.
I was raiding and through a grenade in like I always do when I raid... you literally have nothing better to do than to make an AR for losing 5 minutes of your life? ooc was banter like you always do to me as well. do I really need to go through screenshots of you talking shit?
You don't know if im unarmed or armed, I was unarmed and you're using grenades, it's simple 2.5
Yeah you making me loose 5 minutes of my time when I'm trying to craft and you just interupt by throwing a grenade in and killing myself.

I only added the 1.1 is because I never even had a joke with you at all during that time, I know I joke around with people but why the fuck was you even telling me to hang myself in the first place? I don't really give a shit about the 1.1, mainly the 2.5.
Maybe you should make sure I'm unarmed before throwing a grenade in huh?
@A1L Oh yes, let me just stick my head around the corner of the house I am raiding to see if he is arme- oh I'm dead cause I'm a fucking idiot.
Let staff deal with it. I was raiding and threw a grenade in. End of story. Every time I raid no matter where I raid, I throw grenades.
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Loose rhymes with noose. Bit of a Freudian slip there, you okay bud?
@R-Flex So I am supposed to walk in without a gun in my hand and ask calmly if they mind me raiding them? You're an idiot and not involved. Stay out this thread.
Can we stop the big dick competition?

It's a very mixed bundle of opinions on whether it is 2.5 or not, as many people raid and throw a grenade in there too. Classing this as 2.5, would also raise the question about 'bomb raiding' and whether this would also be classified as 2.5. The issue with this, is that if this was accepted it would set the example that people can not bomb raid unless you know everyone in the property is armed. This would be very hard to do, and render the usage of bombs and explosives almost useless.

On the other hand, it is quite unfair that you have had to die due to this, and lost some time of your life. To an extent it is negative, and could be classed as the same as if someone came in with a gun and shot you instantly. But these things happen, people just need to be careful about it, and people dying just need to take it on the chin unless you made it completely clear you were unarmed and they shlt you anyway.

It would be great for whatever staff handles this can also respond to some concerns I have raised above in regards to bomb usage.

Stop complaining and let staff deal with it.
This is clearly getting out of hand. If you’re not involved with the action request then you shouldn’t be responding to it at all.

I’ll be locking this until myself or another staff member gets the time to deal with it.
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