Comm ban appeal

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Flugs I think?
How long were you banned for: Perma com ban

Your Steam Name
: Inchs
Your In-game Name: Inch Ross
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:16179036

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Toxicity after my CWB was lifted.
Why should this appeal be considered:
Honestly I fully expected to come back and just see the server had gone to shit. I didn't really have much intention to play much or seriously and I did not know that after my CWB I'd be on a sort of 'probation' period it wasn't really stated to me. I came back after everything my friends have said to say the server has gone to shit but after being back a short while now it blew my expectations away. I can see all the work that has gone into and is still going into the server to improve it and I can see why my toxicity and actions is counter productive to that. I'm ready to be a member of the community without ruining it for everyone else so I hope I can be considered to be allowed to participate in the community again, my behavior is definitely not going to be as disgusting as before.
Additional Comment(s):

We feel that you have yet to change your behaviour towards others within the community. We have also not seen any attempt from you to be a beneficial member of the community again. Until we see improvement, you will remain communication banned.
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