Communication Ban Apology (Tyla, Efan)

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Reaction score
in a basement
Punishment Type: Communication Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Tyla, Efan
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Ashur
Your Roleplay Name: Ashur Tel-Aviv
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:214812816

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Communications Ban, I was toxic towards Tinky in OOC, and toxic in general

Why should this appeal be considered?: I got communications banned whilst going back and forth with Tinky in OOC being toxic towards each other, then after I decided to poke Mimball something on TS, I do not recall what, but after that, I got looked into, and communications banned for toxicity, which was completely fine.

After the comm banned I got permanently banned in-game after saying to Riekelt "Your mom's gay" and then Acerius picked me up, and banned me after I was saying in the admin sit that I didn't give a fuck.

I now want to try and get unbanned from the communication ban and the server, starting by apologizing this communication ban to show that I can behave on the forums, discord and Teamspeak.

I want to apologize to Efan, Tyla, Mimball, Tinky, Acerius and Riekelt for being toxic, wasting their time and just generally being a cunt, I didn't come back after a cheating ban just to be toxic, I was just being a massive idiot and would like to interact with the PERPHEADS community again, I have been comm banned for around 10 months now, and I have had enough time to reflect on my actions, and realise I was justing being a childish idiot.

I hope I get a chance to show that I have changed and can behave properly and not be a childish idiot.
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