Community Spotlight #5 (04/04/2021) + Opinions of Community Meeting.

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It's the superior Community Manager here bringing you the fifth Community Spotlight, hard to believe we're almost at six. It has been a while since the community survey and there was some interest in the idea of a Community Meeting, would there be any interest? It would be done via the new Discord stage plugin, and we likely have pre-approved question and questions slot to stop the meeting from derailing.​

Roleplay Acknowledgement

@Catcutoffyourtongue had some outstanding roleplay as roadcrew and it's always a pleasure to see him on duty and having a good time.​
Keep it up and contact us in-game for $50,000.


Best "Videos & Pictures" Submission

@The HitMan created an amazing video creating a mock news report of a situation in-game. It would really great to see this turn into some sort of series.​
Contact us in-game for your $50,000.

Most Helpful
@Bojing is one of our new helpers and has been doing an outstanding job already in his role from what I have seen. He has been setting up new players with help of @Jay Hatch and I hope to see you both continue helping out.​

Contact one of us in-game for your $50,000.

Community Management
A recommendation was made for his roleplay as roadcrew, you can view the details here.

@thehomelessdude @DJ Conyo im pretty sure they're looking for someone new every month to give community spotlight RP reward, otherwise it would just be the same people over and over (not sure if this is the best approach though). Efan wasn't very active during last month due to problems he had, so I think he had very little to work with and just went to see who even remotely roleplayed in some way I guess. Should've probably asked around between staff members a bit though lol, since I believe rogue engaged plenty more as roadcrew and created very nice structures around the city. @Efan
@DJ Conyo Unfortunately I had no internet for the better part of a month so I had to judge purely based from recommendations. There was no indication from that thread that he was a “minge” or anything otherwise. If you want to see rogue recognised make a recommendation yourself.
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