Community Survey Results

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This is a roundup and response from the community survey. I wasn’t sure if I was going to do a recap of the results but after I saw a lot of the complaints and suggestions I released we definitely, as a community, would benefit from more transparency. I have had each group who took part in the survey answer the main concerns and enquires from the survey and what will be done to resolve or improve.

Community Management

First up is me. There didn't seem to be many issues regarding my performance since being given the role, as shown below.


However, the two things that people wanted to see from me were more content, more events and to bridge the gap between admins and players.


I will be doing more events, with the goal of trying to have them integrate with day to day roleplay and server life. I hope to do with this with both large and small scale events. I am also going to be considering whether we have the need for an event team.


There is currently an update in the works for content creators amongst others. This will, hopefully, greatly encourage content creators to come onto the server. Also, no promises, but I heard maybe more trailers coming, who knows!

Communication between staff and the community

This is probably more an area for SA but we agreed to hold staff meetings weekly. One will be mandatory whilst the other is optional. Within these meetings, we will discuss any issues that need to be resolved, such as clarification on rules, etc. Meetings will be typed up in note form and released to the community.


The administration team was the area for some controversy in the survey, however, some of the issues raised were already in the process of being solved.


Issues that were raised were; inactivity amongst staff, lack of communication among staff and inconsistent punishments.


This is no longer an issue. The administration team, thanks to @flugs, has reworked their policy on inactivity to ensure that inactivity will not slip through the cracks.

Lack of communication among staff

This has also already been covered by the increase in staff meetings. We believe this will help combat this issue to an extent that no other change will be needed.

Inconsistent Punishments

Once again, we have the opinion that a lack of communication was at issue. We have also talked about how as a staff team we view punishments. The goal of punishments is to educate players and create a better environment for everyone. As a staff member you should be looking for the difference between an intentional and accidental rule break, and then speak to the offender about what they could have done differently. Banning people for excessive amounts of time does nothing but discourage the player from coming back and enjoying the server. Ban lengths need to be reduced overall, banning someone for 2 weeks can be less impactful than a 2-day ban and longer bans should be reserved only for players who intentionally break rules to cause problems. We would rather the staff team ban literally no one than ban people for excessive amounts of time and have them learn nothing.


Development was also a very positive area, we saw 90% of players being happy with recent updates. Players showed a preference to bigger updates but more spaced apart and a variety of updates.



The development team have decided to focus on bigger updates with more frequent bug fixes, they do not want to provide a timeline or goals as often these are missed, normally when life gets in the way, leading to disappointment amongst community members.


A lot of the stuff suggested individually either has already work being done or has not been suggested on the forums. So please feel free to suggest anything on forums.

Police Department

The Chiefs of Department have acknowledged the results of the survey and there was a lot to go over in the form of development suggestions and feedback of existing systems that are already in place. Some of the responses covered the Internal Affairs division and the complaint process, which was something that was in the process of changing slightly already. A post about the complaint committee changes will follow soon.

With the majority of responses rating the conduct of the Police Department in the community rating 54.7% at 7 or higher, I don't think there cause for a massive concern.



To conclude, I will be carrying out a survey every 3 to 6 months, depending on how the server performs this year. A lot of the issues people raised were already being dealt with but we have had a lot of useful suggestions. As mentioned in another post I will also be leading a community meeting where we can discuss, amongst other things, how they feel the changes implemented from the survey have helped the server.

Thank you to all who partook, it was very useful.
I thought it was my resignation! You're giving me mixed messages :oops:
Ok fine your resignation and the fraud that is fredy's bakery
There is currently an update in the works for content creators amongst others. This will, hopefully, greatly encourage content creators to come onto the server. Also, no promises, but I heard maybe more trailers coming, who knows!

It would be nice to see what the server can do for smaller content creators
@Ayjay It doesn't sell any bakery products :( Except maybe coffee it should definitely start selling bread
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