No huge FPS drop during firefights!

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So whenever i'm a fireman and there's a huuuuge fire like church or a complete appartment, the moment you start spraying you get a huge amount of FPS drops, it's definatly hard firefighting with 4 FPS.
this mostly happends on medium specs PC, which i think is due low VRAM.

Now you may have noticed that when you extinghuised a fire, you see these black burn spots. Now these are the problem.

What you want to do is the following:

Open the console (Which can be done by enabling it in garrysmod menu>Settings>keyboard>And i believe advanced settings)
Then choose a key that you find good. I'll take key K for example.
You then want to type in the following in the console:
bind K r_cleardecals

- bind is the command you use to bind a key to an action
- k is the key, this can be any letter or number(numpad is KP_HOME,KP_PGUP etc. )
- r_cleardecals is the command to remove the smoke.
- (for commands which space it's recommended to include an " " for and after a command.

And whenever you press that key in a huge fire, you should have a stable enough FPS to not die.
Hmm, na. Doesn't boost nor make it less laggy in a firefight, decals can cause lag, yes however I've tried this in fires but it's not really helping. Nice to ser you letting people know they can remove decals though!
Doesn't exactly change FPS or anything, but it should be used commonly when in raids so you don't get the "invisible glitch" or else you would have to rejoin.
Have you tried disabling smoke in F1>Options?

Edit: Just do r_drawbatchdecals 0 to stop build up of burnt decals.
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