Cooldown to raid PD

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Suggestion Title: Cooldown to raid PD
Suggestion Description: We all know, whenever one of those pesky criminals scream "10 toes," a PD raid is going to occur. This can happen at least 3 times in a 15 minute timespan, which doesn't make sense realistically. We pride this server with Serious RP and I have never seen in my 20 years being on this planet, the Police Department being raided 3 times in 15 minutes (we can say a week as well). I would like to propose an idea that would limit the amount of PD raids that occur, as it is not fair to the officers who get on and 2 minutes later, are killed in a PD Raid.

What I propose is a cooldown to raid the Police Department. This can be implemented in the game, where if a PD door is broken in to, when the door is able to be locked, no more doors can be broken in to. The thing can say "The Police Department has recently improved their locks, try again in x minutes." This would stop the amount of times the Police Department is raided.

Why should this be added?:
This should be added so that the Police Department can actually be efficient. If you die in PD, you got to wait 10 minutes before returning, which means you cannot arrest those who do crimes, as you are under NLR. This basically makes policing non existent, as you cannot enforce the law with jail time.

What negatives could this have?:
The criminals are going to get pissed because they can't get their friends out of jail. That is the only negative I see. You rarely see someone broken out of a PD Jail Cell Area in real life, but it happens, but for it to happen 3 times in 15 minutes, it is unrealistic.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: It just allows PD to actually not die 24/7, considering 8/10 times, there is no TFU on to deal with the situation. As well, it increases RP as another way you can do a jail break, is to kidnap a law enforcement officer or anyone who has keys to the Police Department.


Oh hell yes please
This isn't constructive to the discussion at hand, It doesn't elaborate or prove your point.

There's just things that aren't going to be in favour of one side I'm afraid. Limiting PD raids will do absolutely nothing in terms of any sort of balance, Seeing as its an aggrivated task to begin with; I can't just raid PD because I want to kill cops, I have to have a reason to want to go inside, risking my own life immensely to free a friend from custody. PD Raid balance is just like any other raid: The advantage is granted to the individuals inside who are able to take up fortified positions, and unlock the doors.

That won't ever happen. The server should be rebranded to cops and robbers tbh. This goes back to the state of roleplay post and my opinion still stands on that. I'm for this suggestion and quite frankly we need more passive ways of roleplay. Pistol cops going up against rifles and snipers get shit on obviously and get told they have a "sKiLl IsSuE" when its not the case. Crims are OP but this once again will fall on deaf ears.
I don't see how limiting a task like this for no reason will actually change the state of roleplay. There's plenty of aspects you could be making suggestions or threads about that could help in achieving this task, PD Raid limits are not. It seems stupid that this fruitless cop vs crim discussion was even bought up here to begin with but at least you weren't the one to get that ball rolling.

Pointless limitations on mundane, scenario specific tasks will absolutely not make "crims less OP."
Plenty of people are into shootouts, many play cop so they can see more, this shouldn't be news to you

Gosh golly I do love the RP the poor sod in jail gets to have, those 4 walls roleplaying as a box are truly a rich experience for everyone. Get a grip, the PD being raided doesn't impede your RP. If you don't want to participate in it, just don't? Go on patrol, hang out at Bazaar until it's over, wait on the sidelines in cover to collect information and RP catching them later, it's really not that hard

Pistol cops going up against rifles and snipers get shit on obviously and get told they have a "sKiLl IsSuE"
They literally don't have to, every single pistol cop you see in a shootout is choosing to be there. This argument is always so incredibly terrible because it implies the players on this server don't have agency. Don't want to die? Pick your battles. Play smarter. Why are you sticking up for these pistol cops that run into apartment buildings to block all the cops who could actually do some damage? Pistol cops who play stupid games win stupid prizes, it's really that simple.

Why are we pretending like raiding the PD is easy? In order to have any success doing it, you either have to sneak in silently, or bring a whole group of heavily armed people with expensive weapons, which they are likely to lose. PD raids have some of the highest loss factors for criminals, and only those with the numbers and equipment can even think about trying it and winning.
They literally don't have to, every single pistol cop you see in a shootout is choosing to be there
Get a grip, the PD being raided doesn't impede your RP. If you don't want to participate in it
We are required to respond if we don't we can get punished for it and people have for sitting at Baz not responding to shootings etc. Blacklists have been given out for it in the past. You clearly don't know what you are talking about thinking we have a choice lol
We are required to respond if we don't we can get punished for it and people have for sitting at Baz not responding to shootings etc. Blacklists have been given out for it in the past. You clearly don't know what you are talking about thinking we have a choice lol
I know what you are talking about and I know who you are talking about. Aziel's punishment was the result of a combination of things, not the least of which being that his presence at Bazaar was purely antagonistic to the people there. It just so happened that his rampant harassment of everyone who looked at him funny consequently meant that he wasn't responding to ANY other crimes when he was physically able to.

I highly doubt the complaint committee or staff team would actually punish you for patrolling instead of choosing to die in a PD raid you are not equipped to handle. I am not suggesting you sit in one place and do nothing but be a cunt to people in that area, you're clearly trying to misrepresent my actual point. You can still patrol, and you can wait out the raid wherever you are patrolling.

The downvotes on this suggestion speak for themselves. And like others have specified, you cannot raid the PD without a sufficiently justifiable reason to do so. Anyone who is found to be raiding PD without a justifiable reason is already dealt with appropriately.

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