Corolla's Appeal

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Posted for Tom as he's currently forum banned

Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Royhb @Madda @TinySlayer @Bolli
How long were you banned for: 3 Months
Your Steam Name: rlcmong
Your In-game Name: John Scatman
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:35126079

Why were you banned/blacklisted:
4.1 | 2.5 | 3.4 | 4.6 | 2.2 User was being a huge minge on the server and showing no care what so ever, the user fled from police, started a shootout and broke multiple laws. The user had total disregard to his job as an SS agent and done the opposite of his job.

Why should this appeal be considered:
To cut a long story short, I (admittedly, and unsurprisingly) haven’t been taking the server seriously at all since being demoted. I think due to the nature of the server coming to its knees with it’s demise clearly on the horizon, I’d like to play PERP at least one more time before I get myself killed in the next impending biggest global conflict of all time.

As per tradition, most of the PERP players I knew typically come back around this time of the year, for example Medulla, an ex-Administrator and well respected member of the community, having helped with the foundation of the PLPD. I would like to resume playing with him again if he desires to return like the good old days.

On the day that I was banned, I admittedly was having a shit day at work (don’t join the army it SUCKS) and I wanted to just minge for fun. Looking back, it wasn’t entirely mature of myself to do that and I realise my mistake. I have served most of my ban now.

I’m sincerely sorry for causing a right nuisance on the server.
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United Kingdom
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