Server Suggestion Craftable light armor for crims.

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Suggestion Title: Craftable light armor for crims.
Suggestion Description: Now, I know this has been suggested before and hear me out before you **DENIED**.

This would be craftable light armour for crims to wear, which has a one time use and destroys when it takes damage, leaving you unarmoured. When worn however it gives you the extra health of wearing light armour

**Material list**
110 Metal
65 Chunks of Plastic
4 Metal Rods
10 Metal Rods
5 Paint bucket
25 Polymer
10 Brass Bulk
Total materials 229

At a standard 10% tax, this would make this item $65,000 craft price with a craft time of 9 minutes. This makes it the most expensive craftable item which also takes the longest. You will notice I've also had it so it's 229 materials total, meaning you can only order enough materials for 1 light armour per delivery.


Perception 3
Intelligence 5
Strength 4
Dexterity 3

**Crafting requirements**

Level 110 firearms
Level 50 crafting
Level 25 repair (roadcrew / wrenches)

Why should this be added?:
I think this would bring a great balance to crims who are desperately in need of one right now, it would also help players spend some of that hard earned cash they've been saving with no idea what to do with it.

Balances things like bank raids against heavily armoured TFU.

What negatives could this have?:
This may make it more difficult for pistol cops.
People will probably find a way to abuse it, but they'd be dealt with I'm sure.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: This is more about balance to the server.
no no and a no, this would be too overpowered i think especially for when theres only pistol officers on.
please do not add this i do not think it would have a positive effect
no no and a no, this would be too overpowered i think especially for when theres only pistol officers on.
please do not add this i do not think it would have a positive effect
With the addition of RTFU, this is entirely thrown out the window.
The TFU count went from 80 to 120+, some changes has to be made but armor for crim is a wrong idea.
RTFU's can self deploy without t2's on duty if its a "major firearms incident" or a panic was pressed.
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We also need to consider the balance between civ vs. civ raids. The presence of armor points may create situations similar to the ones in Tarkov where it is a spray and pray stand off. In my opinion, the player with the better shot at the time should win, rather than the player with the armor
65k per one piece of LIGHT armor is INSANELY overpriced. And you waste 9 minutes making just a single one after collecting all the material.

Light armor barely helps tank any damage.

The only times I can accredit my survival to armor is when I’m a Heavy Gear TFO in Complete Armor (above extremely armored) and even then I BARELY survived with major injuries.
The way Armour is implemented into the game mode currently is:
- Accommodated solely by playermodels, there’s no armour model, meaning one would need to be made that fits over clothing and items. All body armour worn in game is a part of a model.
- To give players who do not possess the skill level necessary to take on players be given a boosted, artificial advantage over better equipped and skilled players,

Putting this in the hands of civilians grants that artificial advantage to players who, if they don’t care about money, already have enough means of boosting their odds beyond skill by employing grenades, explosives, and weaponry that can disable a car through 2 Hicktown trailers in 3 or less shots.

Making Armour exist as a craftable isn’t ideal for, or really that capable of achieving what you think it will achieve.

Furthermore, making it stupidly expensive to craft when armour is depleted by car accidents is a huge waste of money and people would be RRing body armour vests to get the lost armour restored. $65000 for a benefit I lose most of to a 40 mph collision with another car just doesn’t do any favours and all you’re doing is high-shelving something that, if added, would need to be accessible for it to work.

It’s worth noting that light armour only stops certain weaker pistol shots by the way. With automatic weapons, almost no difference.
The only noticeable difference between body armour and no body armour I see is eating shotgun bullets, just aim head
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