CSGO Beastournament

Reaction score
Hi this is gonna be used for a possible counter strike global defensive tournament so I can organize it
Max player capacity: 60

Apply by posting this below
1. Your steam name
2. CSGO rank (for balancing issues, where applicable)
3. How confident you are you will win

Players found smurfing, ghosting, using third party programs or in any other way hindering other players will be disqualified and we will seek replacement.
Prize money will be ~60$ and it will be organized via forum PM with results posted on a dedicated future thread.

I will be streaming this live with my sexy professional commentary. mallard sucks

im a bird

PS if you are banned for cheating on perp you cant participate
wtf is global defensive

my csgo accounts steam name: OGsku
rank LE
im not very confident of winning because im very bad

and agreed, mallard sux
well i think hes kinda right here, if you want to cheat that much that you cheat in roleplay server you most probably cheat in csgo xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
aight thats ur opinion sire
Steam name: El Patron
Rank: le well last time I played b4 lost my rank
How confident: idk there are some sweaty cs nerds aroud here
I don't get it do we play 1v1's or 5v5 as a team because if we're playing team vs a team we should probably post our whole team at once not only our information.
1. Your steam name Misel
2. CSGO rank (for balancing issues, where applicable) MGE former SMFC but lost rank due to inactive
3. How confident you are you will win Very

Do 1v1 that would be better than 5v5
1. Your steam name: N0oni:D
2. CSGO rank : MGE was lem lost my rank cuz didnt was active on csgo
3. How confident you are you will win
I think it's really unfortunate how we keep doing the same tournament every single year without change. I was hoping for Rainbow six because it is a more complex game and a lot more fun to watch.