Custom car skins - Ideas welcome

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Oi oi, tried to custom skin a car by one of Lonewolfie's cars, first time I've ever done something like this but I'll try to do something different so leave me some suggestions either as a comment or just a reply. Make sure you send me the car that exists within TDM or by one of Lonewolfie and obviously a image of the wanted car. I'll try to recreate it the best as I can as I'm bored af.
Ever heard of Carpenter Brut? He's great so I recreated the Sheriff car from his album image. The orange might be a bit too bright and not yellow but doesn't really matter, still looks great.

The car looks very similar to the West Virgina State police cars but looks a tad different as you have probably noticed by the lines and the yellow top, etc.


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I've wanted to do a Battenburg design LT vehicle but I soon realised how much of a failure that was so I started working on a request from @Cole, our BMW from the superior state called North Rhine-Westphalia we reside in. The font for the "POLIZEI" will be changed until I find something better, the PLPD logo was also added as a request but will probably be replaced by our insignia by how cheesy it looks on it.


I have just done the one side of the UV Map but the rest will be done so this will just give you a small idea of how it will look like.
Here is the other failure that I did which I just gave up on and yes, the skins are available on the live server but only client side.

I think we should get a police BMW X5 obviously in blue and yellow. Did I mention that we should change our police to blue and yellow? :troll:
I like the idea, but aren't these british car themes? I just don't think that those british ones would fit well in with an american type of theme.

Nevertheless, it's a nice idea the original ones you suggested, but the batternburg design wouldn't fit IMO.
Can you do a Hawkins Police Department Dodge Monaco for dat nostalgia?
Can't get hold of a full photo, but you can partially see it in the background

If you've watched stranger things you should know what it looks like
Yeah it's a really hipster car and would love to do some spoopy rp with it if there was a skin lol.
What country are we locationg paralake in right now,? US, Germany or UK? I wouldnt mix up police vehicles skins from diffirent countrys.
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