Customising Loadouts (on duty)

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United Kingdom
Main idea: Customizing your loadout

Description: Pretty self explantory, when you go on duty as an Officer, you will have the option to go down to the Armoury and talk to the person, there will be and option what asks you if you would like to customize your loadout. You click it and select different loadouts for different type of things, (maximum of about 3 loadouts can be saved or as many, e.g RTU patrol, TFU patrol, Regular patrol). This will save for next time you go on duty and when you next go on duty, all you would have to do is go down to the Armoury and select what loadout, e.g RTU patrol, it would give you all your road equipment you will need, bandages, e.c.t.
This would of course be the case for every loadout you would pick, making your time getting your gear alot faster.

Pros: - Being able to get your gear faster and being able to get out on patrol and or respond to much faster compared to you having to get all your gear and then go out.
  • Much easier for the Police to get their gear.
  • (will continue to add on)

Cons: Can't think of any, if any is stated. I will be note them down here.
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