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Pryp'yat', Kyivs'ka oblast, Ukraine

I will hosting a homebrew campaign, so if you want to play apply.
There will be a character creating thing before it happens so if you are new just ask @Loejseren
This will be my first time being Dungeon master (so don't expect much).
Dungeon Master: Pear
Player 1: @Loejseren
Player 2: @Imperial Watch
Player 3: @Corolla
Player 4:
More than 4 can apply and can be in reserve; this is not a first come first serve basis.
Roll20 will be used
https://discord.gg/W5WS27B Discord
The world is called Menargal, the map is not the whole world.
Application format:
In-game name and race (no dark elves kys edgelords you can be a monster/homebrew if you have the rules and they are not too OP)

OOC name:
Why would you like to join?:
RPG skill? (1-10 , where; 1= Jian Huan, 3 = Hung Chow, 5 = Imperial watch, 6 = MrLewis, 7 = Walker, 9 = Abdi, 10 = Imperial )
What is your biggest achievement in RPG games?:
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Application format:
In-game name and race (no dark elves kys edgelords you can be a monster if you have the rules

Frogbark the Hunchback.
Height: 4ft 5inch

Appearance: Old, disgusting, crooked, big long beard, tati clothing; a shirt with missing buttons, one torn trouser leg, unwashed filthy cape and a small engraved short sword in a well looked after scabbard.
Race: Probably a Halfling.
Class: Rogue
OOC name: Corolla/Tom
Why would you like to join?:
I've always wanted to give D&D a go. My coworker was talking to me about how he roleplays as several characters inspired by Blackadder.
RPG skill? (1-10 , where; 1= Jian Huan, 3 = Hung Chow, 5 = Imperial watch, 6 = MrLewis, 7 = Walker, 9 = Abdi, 10 = Imperial ) 5, I guess.
What is your biggest achievement in RPG games?: Completed Pokémon Leaf Green and Deus Ex.
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The game will be played 4th November (hopefully) I should have mentioned it will have multiple sessions just in case you do not know what 'campaign' means in the D&D context.
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My dog's name is Speed Mead. I met him in a cave or some shit and gave him some mead and he's mine forever now.