Dai's apology

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Reaction score
Appealing for: CWB
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @spaeshots extended by @Collier I think
How long were you banned for: Permenant
Your Steam Name: Ash
Your In-game Name: Dai-Gon Jinn Your
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155798045

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Community Wide Ban
Why should this appeal be considered: After a long thought, continuously browsing the forums without an account, speaking to community members I'd like the chance to be a part of the community again. I completely understand what I did was unforgivable and I immediately realized and chose to apologies to those involved for my own benefit. I can never take back my own actions and the choices I made. Since I've distanced myself from the forums and the server I've calmed down a lot. Back then I cared way too much about the server, forums and community which would make me pissed, angry and frustrated. I believe I owe it to the community to give something back and try my best to make up and undo a lot of the harm and unnecessary harassment I caused. I'd like to have the opportunity to apologies to those involved individually rather than publicly due to the sensitive nature and vulnerable community members. I'd like the opportunity to write a lot of wrongs which were caused by me, I believe I still have a lot I can offer for the server and for the police department even with some bad relationships I can try and mend. I joined the server December 2015, almost 5 years ago, and spent on average daily 3 hours on the server. That's without subtracting time banned or when I wasnt playing. In my opinion, I overplayed the server and felt there was nothing I could do, improve or enjoy anymore which is why I was frustrated coming back wanting to leave.

Additional Comment(s): Thanks for considering my apology, I'd like the chance in future to speak on TS to discuss my actions, how I've changed and the doubts SA might have about me rejoining the community if given the oppeprtunity.
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