Tommy's Ban Apology @Collier

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: CONSOLE
How long were you banned for: Permanently

Your Steam Name
: tOmmy
Your In-game Name: Tommy Peterson
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:497417143

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating
Why should this appeal be considered:

I would firstly like to begin by apologizing to the PERPHeads community and staff team for cheating and having no respect for it and it's players at the time. It has been 6 months since I was banned and in this time I have learned as and individual that my actions at the time were ruining the experience for others and I now see how truly selfish I was to do such a thing for a simple laugh. I've matured over these 6 months and I honestly believe I have grown as a person to understand others better since back then all I cared for was myself. I have missed the community and the server a lot, especially the late nights of grinding and having fun with friends. If you were to check my history I have only had 2 warnings and I tried to do good in the community, I followed rules up until I cheated in which I completely understand was a terrible act. All I can say is that if I were to be unbanned I'd be seen constantly on the server dedicated to being a good member of the community and helping others. And on the final note I'd hope the community could forgive me and truly see I have changed for the better!

Additional Comment(s): I've @Collier due to the fact you read over my previous apologies and gave the verdict on them, hopefully you don't mind.
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