Server Suggestion Damage players in seats

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Suggestion Title: Damage players in seats
Suggestion Description: The ability to damage other players while they are seated.

Why should this be added?:
-If someone is seated and does not comply to gunpoint you can use lethal force

What negatives could this have?:
- scripting takes time

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Can't damage players while they are sitting.
Suggestion Title: Damage players in seats
Suggestion Description: The ability to damage other players while they are seated.

Why should this be added?:
-If someone is seated and does not comply to gunpoint you can use lethal force

What negatives could this have?:
- scripting takes time

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Can't damage players while they are sitting.
Although this seems good. shooting vehicles has a good chance of kicking the player of the vehicle therefore killing the player. As if someone doesn't comply to your orders and exit the vehicle is against 3.4 and which you can report it instead of continuing rp with the player
A negative is that AFK players at bazaar sit down to stop getting rdm'd when they aren't there to report it, or getting accidentally shot if a shootout breaks out unrelated to them. Do the benefits outweigh this? Discuss:
Too many mass rdm's happen in bazaar as its the most populated area on the map, regardless of high pop or not.
If this was to work, an area where vehicle (seat) damage is pre-defined.
Eg. Shooting at seats in subs will do damage, at bazaar it won't. (Not sure about gmod limitations)
Do the benefits outweigh this? Discuss
i understand that someone might die while afk by crossfire/rdm but he can do report when his back

one of the biggest benefit of adding this is smg/pistols will efficient cars so players cant use it as tank or if player break 3.4 you can kill him easly with pistol/smg

but the real question is can you do it if the shots hit where the player are ? or it will be buged ?
i see where @Billie Cokx is coming from but ultimately I agree with @ALOO89

The suggestion pros don’t do this idea justice. There are pros to this idea, to name a few:
- fights aren’t awkwardly halted for a quick /me pulls off chair (which actually happens, especially with fist fights)
- rdm is covered by staff. It would happen en masse regardless of if people were seated or not. People get refunded regardless if they were standing afk.
- when raiding a target for a hit or because you personally have reason to kill, then you can execute them without any minging from them being invincibly seatedz
- If possible, car seats being shootable would make the game mode far more enjoyable in general. Countless times do people use their cars as bullet sponges until it’s disabled even if they’re gp’ed at point blank because they know you have to empty 4 MP5k mags into the damn thing before their health is directly connected to the damage the car takes. If this can be remedied, it absolutely should be because it sets the correct and most honest outlook on fearing for one’s life while seated in a car as the danger of being specifically shot is actually there.
I belive it's going to ruin tfu brute if that gets implemented
Nobody said anything about TFU brute because That would obviously be the ONE exception out of literally every car in the server aside from it.
From what I've known with gmod coding seating is a one addon besides being cover by a car I don't know if it can be coded to not be able to kill a specific car.
So let me explain in more of a simple way, a car is an addon if you shoot it, it breaks but if you want to damage players through the car I believe that will happen to every single car since they all have the same addon or so called mechanic which that will affect my beloved TFU brute which I don't have access yet. (re edited it this post)
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Now that I am thinking about it how about you fully damage a car and then you have a feature to kick the player out of the car with like fists or something.
Now that I am thinking about it how about you fully damage a car and then you have a feature to kick the player out of the car with like fists or something.
When a car is fully damaged all passengers are automatically ejected anyway.
i understand that someone might die while afk by crossfire/rdm but he can do report when his back

one of the biggest benefit of adding this is smg/pistols will efficient cars so players cant use it as tank or if player break 3.4 you can kill him easly with pistol/smg

but the real question is can you do it if the shots hit where the player are ? or it will be buged ?
and you can report them for breaking 3.4 or playing unrealistically

getting rdm is more common. it should stay as it is
i understand that someone might die while afk by crossfire/rdm but he can do report when his back

one of the biggest benefit of adding this is smg/pistols will efficient cars so players cant use it as tank or if player break 3.4 you can kill him easly with pistol/smg

but the real question is can you do it if the shots hit where the player are ? or it will be buged ?
i mean i personaly believe that staff members dont want 50 reports to flood with the message of “i got rdm!! i want my gun back!!!” whenever a sweater decides to hold left click with an ak 101. i understand the fact that oh, they might be breaking 3.4 but you might as well report them for that and everything eill be solved. its just simpler to report 1 person for breaking 3.4 other than risking so many people to get killed for no reason
How is not being able to powergame by sitting on a chair to avoid being killed in bazaar a negative? If removing a silly feature like invincibility while sitting can be done then why not, it's a serious rp server - if you want to AFK go play cookie clicker.
How is not being able to powergame by sitting on a chair to avoid being killed in bazaar a negative? If removing a silly feature like invincibility while sitting can be done then why not, it's a serious rp server - if you want to AFK go play cookie clicker.
This, on god.

The invincible chair thing has always been abused, I can understand if someone really doesn't want to die but there have also been situations where you can't even battering ram someone out of a chair because they're warranted or imagine this, you're raiding a base and there is a dude sat on the back with a gun on his back and not responding, the fuck do you do then? You can't just assume that they're going to comply with your orders when your back is turned, they're going to mow you down even if it breaks the rules, costing you an entire raid.

If this somehow can be fixed in a sensible way then I'm up for it. But if not then I suggest an alternative where you can force people from their chairs, that way you can do whatever you want with them while they still keep their invincibility if they need it. Should probably be only be possible if you have a gun equipped and on your hands or else everyone would force you out of chairs.
you bring a good point cripis but the forcing off the chair is a bit too OP in my opinion. i think its better just to make a ticket saying “force ziptie” or “force take him off a chair please”. and regarding the afk warranted players, you can handcuff them while on chairs and drag them off now, so thats not an issue anymore
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