Debt collector DD side mission

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Description of the idea:
A side mission involving debt collecting for the drug dealer.

A random civilian NPC will be identified to you by text upon accepting the drug dealers side mission. The drug dealer will give you where the NPC works and if they’re resilient or not, as well as their weaknesses.

For example, for easier jobs, the NPC will say something like:
”This ones easy, the person working at subs Jennifer’s owes me money from gambling debts. This stuttery fucker should be easy to intimidate, just puff up your chest at em!”

More resilient NPCs will result in a message like:
”This fuckers been skimping on paying me for awhile now, I know this grubby little fuck can pay me but their wallet won’t budge. Bring a gun, make a scene, make them choose between their money or their life!”

NPCs with specific traits you can exploit to get the cash back include:
”The worker over in the business gas stations been munching all my shroomies like a plumber, but hasn’t paid a dime for any of em! I heard they have a family, maybe you could use that?”

“The rat working in ragnatechs not been giving me a cut from their weed sales like we agreed on. I heard they’ve got some dirty little secrets to hide, use that to get the money back”

Tactics for dealing with NPCs during these missions:
- For easier NPCs, you can use intelligence 1 to persuade them to pay the debts.
- Intelligence 5 can pursuade all NPCs except the stubborn ones.
- You can make implicated threats about their car, family, etc.
- You can also threaten them with a weapon. Certain NPCs might not be intimidated with just a bat or a pistol.
Upon threatening them with an invalid weapon, the NPC will say “*Pulls a shotgun out from under the counter* Who the fuck do you think you are? Fuck outta here with that pussy shit. Using the weapon tactic may result in them calling the police however.
- having high influence can make you threaten to ruin their lives. This will work on aggressive NPCs.
- Having high intelligence allows you to convince them that you have their daughter hostage, which will result in aggressive or family loving NPCs giving you the money owed.

Examples of dialogue options:
weapon threats:
Bat: “you owe some very powerful people some very expensive cash. Hand it over, or I’ll smash your fucking head in!”
Bladed weapon: “I’ve been given 2 options, either you pay up what you owe or I’ll be paid twice as much to slash your throat!”
Handgun: “You’re paying what you owe right fucking now or I’ll fucking shoot!”
Revolver: “You feeling lucky, punk? Cough up the cash you owe a friend of mine and you won’t have to find out!”
Sub machine gun: “You owe a powerful friend some petty cash, pay it up or I’ll be paid more to Swiss cheese you!”
Assault rifle “You know what the fuck this does to people who owe powerful people some good money? Pay up!”
Sniper rifle “look, you owe some powerful people some money, pay up, be smart, or I’ll blow you through the wall behind you”
Shotgun: ”I’d hate to paint this place red, but you owe a powerful friend some cash, cough up”.

Standard persuasion: Hey, you owe a friend some money, I’d hate for this to turn messy, pay it and I’ll leave you alone.
Blackmail (dirty little secret 1): You owe a powerful man some money, and this powerful man knows exactly what you did on that trip to Thailand and has some interesting photos... Pay us now, and they’re gone.”
Blackmail (dirty little secret 2): You owe a powerful group money. I understand you have some dirty little secrets that just might ruin your life. Pay up, and I’ll forget all about them.
Blackmail (dirty little secret 3): I have your hard drive, you sick fuck! Pay the money you owe my friend now or it gets mailed to the cops with your name on it!
Blackmail (dirty little secret 4): you owe a friend of mine money, pay up, or I tell your fiancé about your visits to the bathhouse. imagine what your daughter would think!
Blackmail (family): Such a beautiful family, would hate for something horrible to happen...
Blackmail (Family 2): I have your home address and a taste for arson. Pay the money you owe or else.
Blackmail (Car enthusiast): Saw someone eyeing up your Subaru parked round the corner. Heard he’s with a friend you owe money too... Pay the money you owe and I’m sure he’ll leave your car alone

Some more dialogue options will be given with different consequences.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- More shit for players to do
- Fun I guess
- realistic money making method

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- idk, innocent people intervening with weapon threats during loan shark missions I guess?​

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