remove the 5 minute death time

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Kiev, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
Description of the idea: make it so you dont have to wait 5 minutes to respawn

Why should this be added? (pros): because whats the actual point? it doesnt accomplish anything other than make people bored and make the server somehow even more miserable to play, just shorten it to like 1-2 minutes and extend the nlr timer

What negatives could this have? (cons):
-people go back to their place of death sooner, but this can be circumvented by staff doing their job
-people will value their life less i suppose but then again who actually RPs on this server? might as well just make it actually fun at this point

The point of having it in the first place is to make sure that there is time for a person to get revived by a medic.
Yes I said it as well remove the 5mins black screen bullshit make it like 3mins tops and 7mins NLR
The point of having it in the first place is to make sure that there is time for a person to get revived by a medic.
actually i read the original suggestion by luke person, the point was to make death scary, not once was a medic mentioned in this and this feature could easily be kept if the death timer is something more reasonable like 2-3 minutes

edit: it also didnt make death scary, just annoying
What negatives could this have? (cons):
-people go back to their place of death sooner, but this can be circumvented by staff doing their job
-people will value their life less i suppose but then again who actually RPs on this server? might as well just make it actually fun at this point


Absolutely right, the amount of people breaking NLR will be high because oh what is that minute left. Every day I come across people breaking NLR for many and many reasons like I was rdmed, oh I didnt notice, the situation is over. With 7 minutes you gonna have more people sit around the shootout waiting for the timer to run out and run in again. The 5 minutes isn't too long as it also cools down your temper as you are given a 5 min break from perp (yes this actually works for many).
We already have to babysit people breaking NLR and I don't want that to increase, what I wouldn't mind as an alternative is to have a respawn room for the remaining time, here you can chill, some vids/sounds are played which makes you talk to the other dead people.

And death indeed values greatly. People don't like the 5 min blackscreen and thus will do something against it in order to not get it. If it gets removed I am 100% sure this will turn into a bigger cop and robbers (as cops will be permanently patrolling the streets due to respawning quickly) and any cop that respawned will be shot again because the vehicle left the scene thus cops can respond to said shootout elsewhere.

I rather see a lot of negative aspects and no benefit other than I can get to my car faster again to respond to a situation and give information to my friend because I have NLR.

This is a no from me chef
Absolutely right, the amount of people breaking NLR will be high because oh what is that minute left. Every day I come across people breaking NLR for many and many reasons like I was rdmed, oh I didnt notice, the situation is over. With 7 minutes you gonna have more people sit around the shootout waiting for the timer to run out and run in again. The 5 minutes isn't too long as it also cools down your temper as you are given a 5 min break from perp (yes this actually works for many).
We already have to babysit people breaking NLR and I don't want that to increase, what I wouldn't mind as an alternative is to have a respawn room for the remaining time, here you can chill, some vids/sounds are played which makes you talk to the other dead people.

And death indeed values greatly. People don't like the 5 min blackscreen and thus will do something against it in order to not get it. If it gets removed I am 100% sure this will turn into a bigger cop and robbers (as cops will be permanently patrolling the streets due to respawning quickly) and any cop that respawned will be shot again because the vehicle left the scene thus cops can respond to said shootout elsewhere.

I rather see a lot of negative aspects and no benefit other than I can get to my car faster again to respond to a situation and give information to my friend because I have NLR.

This is a no from me chef


There’s been quite a few times where I’ll step back from a situation cause I’m like “fuck do I really want to stare at a black screen for 5 mins”

a respawn room could be cool but if you made it fun then people wouldn’t care if they die and some might even kill themselves to get into it
The idea of "make staff do their job" is not constructive. If staff members have to constantly regulate menial rule breaks they won't have as much energy or time to deal with the reports that take 30 odd minutes of investigation. Luke and XQ were always pushing for the idea of "rule to feature" where instead of making it a top priority for staff to enforce a rule, there would be featured in the game to prevent it: NLR timer; NLR zone; death timer; anti sprint jump; anti-car-boosting; etc... These features make it so staff members have to pay less attention to small rule breaks.

Removing the death timer would also have a negative impact on roleplay, the reason why perp is fun and good is that you don't want to die. Dying should suck.

I've always wanted to make the cop death timer 10 minutes and remove NLR timer for them, makes cops have to respect their life more, and also removes any chance of them "accidentally" getting involved in a shootout they have NLR for.
The idea of "make staff do their job" is not constructive. If staff members have to constantly regulate menial rule breaks they won't have as much energy or time to deal with the reports that take 30 odd minutes of investigation. Luke and XQ were always pushing for the idea of "rule to feature" where instead of making it a top priority for staff to enforce a rule, there would be featured in the game to prevent it: NLR timer; NLR zone; death timer; anti sprint jump; anti-car-boosting; etc... These features make it so staff members have to pay less attention to small rule breaks.

Removing the death timer would also have a negative impact on roleplay, the reason why perp is fun and good is that you don't want to die. Dying should suck.

I've always wanted to make the cop death timer 10 minutes and remove NLR timer for them, makes cops have to respect their life more, and also removes any chance of them "accidentally" getting involved in a shootout they have NLR for.
If I had to wait 10 minutes to respawn I would DC and reconnect.
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