Server Suggestion Default defence purchase option for non VIPs

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Suggestion Title: Default defence purchase option for non VIPs
Suggestion Description: Add the ability to have a property you own receive a basic barricade layout inside the apartment in question. This would allow non VIPs to access a defence, albeit a very basic one.

This should be purchased from the bank foreman NPC to give that NPC use.

This should cost around 2.5K-15k depending on the property in question and it’s size. Only the owner of the property may purchase these prefab defences.

Defences of this nature destroyed by bombs should vanish and require the user to repurchase the layout.

The props should register as player owned but non-storable and should disappear in 5 minutes if the property is sold Or the user DC’s. This should add to their prop limit and the option to buy a defense shouldn’t be offered if the players prop limit would be exceeded in doing so.

Why should this be added?:
- Allow non VIPs to grow to get money to buy VIP off players with
- Good for players who just started growing who don’t have props
- Quality of life.
- Bank NPC has a use.

What negatives could this have?:
- Nerfing VIP? Not really but I guess that’s a con?
- Bombed players who win the raid against them only to still lose money on their defense I guess? (Another reason to buy vip though)

Maybe make it a little more expensive, but I guess if you do that, the prefabs should be a little better? Maybe multiple different styles, at varying costs?
I’ve just saw this suggestion again, I saw fredy put something in the shout box about non premium players getting the phys gun, maybe if this gets added then non premium members won’t need the phys gun
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