[Dicussion] Is the Mayor setting high (50%) sales taxes considered 3.4?

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I am unsure if this has been discussed before.

What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk

Your version of the rule: Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: It is no secret that Mayors regularly set 50% sales taxes, either because they believe the extra revenue will benefit the city or because they want to be the target.

From my perspective, a large portion of elected Mayors set 50% taxes to be the target, in which case they will likely be hunted by outraged civilians. Being hunted puts both their life and general well being at risk and therefore violates rule 3.4.

For those who want to make the argument that setting 50% sales tax increases revenue for the city, and is simply the Mayor doing his job, the laws of supply and demand and the impact taxes have on it argue against you. Setting 50% sales tax discourages civilians from purchasing products, thus little/no revenue is gained, but setting a lower sales tax level encourages a greater number of civilians to purchase products and thus a greater amount of revenue is gained for the city. Feel free to Google the concept of supply and demand if you don't understand it.

Please discuss.
If it was 3.4, then the game wouldn't allow you to do it as there would be no point of it.
If it was 3.4, then the game wouldn't allow you to do it as there would be no point of it.
The game allows you to jump off the bridge and kill yourself and that is 3.4/3.6 so your argument is voided.

Though i don't agree with the suggestion, mayor should be able to adjust taxes or slots the way he wants to and simply face the outcome of his/her decision IC.
The game allows you to jump off the bridge and kill yourself and that is 3.4/3.6 so your argument is voided.

It only kills you because it would be unrealistic to survive, and imagine having invisible barriers everywhere around the map pmsl
Why are you even taking ur time to post this. Perp would be hella boring if you dont risk your life ICly.

The same argument you said could be talked about raiding someone or growing drugs since they are risking their life by buying a property they having chances to get raided. Also raiders risk their life by raiding a property.

Like cmon bruh ? what is your goal ???
The mayor has people that protect him/her known as secret service :)

A small group of SS agents with a limited armoury against a mob of angry civilians with whatever weapons they choose? Mayors are constantly being assassinated and the city hall raided... How safe does the SS actually make the Mayor?

If it was 3.4, then the game wouldn't allow you to do it as there would be no point of it.

You are using game mechanics to justify why a rule is/isn't applicable...?

Why are you even taking ur time to post this. Perp would be hella boring if you dont risk your life ICly.

The same argument you said could be talked about raiding someone or growing drugs since they are risking their life by buying a property they having chances to get raided. Also raiders risk their life by raiding a property.

Like cmon bruh ? what is your goal ???

What are you even on about? Raiders risk their life to gain money via weapons and drugs, the Mayor risks his life for the sake of risking his life...
If it was 3.4, then the game wouldn't allow you to do it as there would be no point of it.
You are using game mechanics to justify why a rule is/isn't applicable...?

The game allows you to jump off the bridge and kill yourself and that is 3.4/3.6 so your argument is voided.
Mechanics such as jumping or shooting are flexible enough to be used in improper and proper ways, (in order to have decent gunplay, there must be enough freedom given to the player that abuse is possible, same with movement). on the other hand, the fact that a slider that can only be used in one way (changing city taxes) can go up to 50% means that there is permission from the coders and administrative staff to turn it up to its maximum value.

if it were against the rules, fredy and co. would simply reduce the maximum tax rate to, for example 25%. there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER to have a possible value if it cannot be used, and by that reasoning, turning the taxes up to 50% is something that the staff team allows. a similar comparison can be made to jailbreaks, as one could argue that it is not worth it to risk the lives of yourself and several friends to break someone out, said argument would be immediately shot down as there is a specific action to threaten an NPC in order to open the jail cells which shows that the staff team support this particular activity.

tl;dr presence of a feature = staff team permission to use that feature, especially if it can only be used in one way. also who the fuck cares about some slimy cunt with a ppk trying to roll up on the mayoral rape convoy?
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A small group of SS agents with a limited armoury against a mob of angry civilians with whatever weapons they choose? Mayors are constantly being assassinated and the city hall raided... How safe does the SS actually make the Mayor?

You are using game mechanics to justify why a rule is/isn't applicable...?

What are you even on about? Raiders risk their life to gain money via weapons and drugs, the Mayor risks his life for the sake of risking his life...
you do realise they fucking pay for those weapons right?stop using that arguement
This thread cracks me up.

The benefit of 50% Sales tax is a sizable increase in city funds when people buy things, which people do at 50% Taxes. Burgers and the likes are still bought with tax and this adds to city funds.

Realistically, the risk of assassination as a government official is always there, but its unlikely to happen.

So no, Setting max sales taxes is NOT 3.4 as it gives a huge benefit to the city at the risk of measly assassination attempts.

Mayors who take to /bc to taunt the people into trying to kill them, different story, but setting sales taxes to the limit in itself is not in any way 3.4.
What are you even on about? Raiders risk their life to gain money via weapons and drugs, the Mayor risks his life for the sake of risking his life...

What im about is that i dont realise why you are wasting ur time to make this thread like bruh the coders or staff arent dumb. Its a game mechanism just accept it. Enough people stated reasonable reasons above my post just stop doing dumb/useless threads.

The Mayor can set 50% tax to gain alot of city funds to support the city later then turn it down again. Yes there are sometimes mayors who randomly set it to 50% just to bring action into the game and make it more fun you get me ?. So stop complaining about a built in ingame mechanism
Evidently, most players do not believe that this is considered 3.4, and I do understand why that is the case as there have been some good arguments made, but some silly arguments too.

My base opinion was that by setting 50% sales tax, the Mayor would be putting his life at risk as they are pretty much asking for backlash. However, I do understand that as a political/government figure, it can be argued that the Mayor is exempt from the rule as they are, even in real life, controversial figures who's policies both anger some people but also benefit others.

What im about is that i dont realise why you are wasting ur time to make this thread like bruh the coders or staff arent dumb. Its a game mechanism just accept it. Enough people stated reasonable reasons above my post just stop doing dumb/useless threads.

The Mayor can set 50% tax to gain alot of city funds to support the city later then turn it down again. Yes there are sometimes mayors who randomly set it to 50% just to bring action into the game and make it more fun you get me ?. So stop complaining about a built in ingame mechanism

Also, this is the discussion section, not the complaining section. I'll discuss what I want whether you think it's useless or not.
Also, this is the discussion section, not the complaining section. I'll discuss what I want whether you think it's useless or not.
You make a post about discussion on a suggestion, expect to have your idea judged and criticized.

And now to my opinion.

This idea is just ridiculous. As it states in the rules, they're there to balance and uphold some form of realism. Imagine no more mayor assassinations...
I feel that is the mayor is raising the taxes to 50% for no valid reason such as trying to get loads of money or trying to punish the citizens then it should be considered 3.4 and if the mayor does not lower the taxes to a reasonable amount if he is able to of course then that should also be considered 3.4. Mayors should know that putting the taxes too high will result in people out for his life and not lowering them will not make them go away and it will make it worse.

tl:dr Mayors should only put the taxes high if needed and not for personal gain nor attempting to accumulate unneeded wealth for the city or himself or to break any records. Not lowering the taxes to a releasable amount after being told to by either Police or Threating Criminals if able is also 3.4
Also, this is the discussion section, not the complaining section. I'll discuss what I want whether you think it's useless or not.

"Also,this is the disucssion section". Well yea thats correct so thats why im saying in my opinion that ur discussion is a bunch of nonce sence and time waste to just gain posts or threads count or whatever you goal is to archive.

From all the dumb ratings you can already see that im not the only one who is wondering what the heck your problem is.

The Mayor is a person wich controls the city and makes judges based on the economy. Citizens sometimes dont agree the mayors opinion and try to murder him.

The 3.4 rule is just here to prevent people from like running from gun point or doing really really stupid things wich DESTROYS GAMEPLAY.

Stop wasting ur time to find loopholes within the rules.
So instead of taking the time to hunt down and kill the mayor (y'know, having fun and actively participating in the city life?) you instead want to make yet another thing against the rules and limit players ability to play how they want even more?

Nice one Zayne, I'm sure that 20% off your pots will be worth adding even more strain.
eating pepper and taking a shit after a few hours is 3.4 too

i hate this rule so bad i don't know why people focus on it to make it more aids
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