[Disbanded] Paralake News - Man Raped in Dumpster.

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Georgia, United States

This organization has been closed by the leader. The reason: Lack of
News Personnel.


Paralake News Department - Hiring

Welcome to the home page of the Paralake News Department. Here you can find the works of your local news stations, and you can also find the latest news. Here we post, and manage the content of Paralake. All the news that is here, is received from the City of Paralake. This news department has been in business since this year, and wishes to continue their duties. Below, you can find more information regarding the news department.

About Us

The News Department has encountered many things throughout it's times of this year, and we wish it would have never happened, but let's get back to the "About Us" part. We are a News Department located in the city of Paralake. What we do, is our job, and our home. We drive around, locally in our cars and take pictures and also record scenes that should be on the news.
As of the moment our newsmen, and newswomen are currently new and still experiencing the ways of news. We have our own TV Show as well. If you are interested in applying for a position in the news casting department, please continue to the very bottom of this forum.

Location of the News Department

The News Department hasn't been declared at a certain location yet. We are more of a car type of news company, traveling in our vehicles are getting our information.

(08/5/2016) - As of now, behind the bank a man was raped inside the dumpster. Police later arrived on scene shortly after our camera manager arrived on scene. The man is now suffering from rape, and no charges were made. Sadly, the scene has been taken care of. "R, A , P , E , get your ***** out of me.
The photo shown below is property of Amy Zharakan.


Paralake General News

(07/29/2016) - Today we had a fight break out at the city hall, and it was madness. Unfortunately, one female, and one male lost their life in the fight. View the photos below. We are now sure who the man was, but the female has been identified as "Amy Zharkan". Photos are here below;

As you can see below the fight starts, and they are all aggressive and start to punch each other!

Sadly the female and one other male lost their life, here's that photo;

(07/29/2016) - A man by the name of Kris experienced a situation, he should have never experienced. Kris fell off the train station, and the officer's didn't care! Latest coming! Here's Kris's story:

"I was there and they beat me so brutally i passed out for good 6 or 7 minutes until i woke up and Officer chase was standing above me with a medic next to him so that got cleared. My friend and I got released though, our other friend we never ever saw him again.. The officer brought me home and I was hungry so i went out got on the train got off the station and got off the nearest food restaurant but I fell off, and the officers didn't care about me."

What a horrible story, I hope you recover from that Kris. Sorry to hear it.
Here's some photos of Kris:

Below is a photo of "Kris", when he was being interviewed.

This photo below, is the officer that did NOT care about Kris's life. He didn't care!


Paralake Breaking News

(07/29/2016) - Breaking News! A fire broke out on Jefferson Street earlier today. We didn't get any pictures of the fire unfortunately that started in the restaurant, but we did get the picture of the barricade the officer placed that caught on fire! Police were already on scene, when the fire started. It's reported that someone started the fire, to burn down the building. Here's some photos;

As you can see in the photo below, you can see the fire in the background, and the officers that have arrived on scene. The fire was secured shortly after this.


(07/29/2016) - Breaking News! A massive firefight happened today at the Police department. We didn't get enough photos to show you all the evidence, but we do have 1 photo of a citizen down. Another reporter tried to take pictures of the Police Officers that were currently dead, and they couldn't do it due to her getting shot. Rest In Peace, Newswomen, and all the officers and citizens that were shot. Actually the person who was killing everyone was 2 officers! Here's one photo that we got from the recovered camera;

As you can see in the photo below, the man is lying on the ground unresponsive!


The situation has been dealt with, and the situation has been declared CODE 4 for now at the moment. Here's a Picture of where this crime happened;

(07/29/2016) - Breaking News! The bank has just been robbed, well let's say it's just been "attempted" to be robbed. I was walking along, and the bank siren went. Soon after that the whole force showed up and I was told to get on the ground. There was some people who were shot, but here is the main picture/photo.



Paralake Government

(07/28/2016) - Today we interviewed a Paramedic, and we thought maybe we could get some responses out of him. Well, we did! We got the responses we needed, and wanted to know. Here's the latest on the conversation with the paramedic;


The picture above is property of the Paramedic, and the News Department, City Government.

Reporter: "What do you think of your job? What's the mode of your job?"
Paramedic: "It's hard, you never know when someone is going to die."
Then the reporter asked the paramedic, what he thinks about his local paycheck, watch what he says!
Reporter: "What do you think about your city paycheck?"
Paramedic: "It's okay, I mean it's not the best one."
That's it with the paramedic, thank you.

(07/28/2016) - After interviewing the paramedic, we though hell with it. Why don't we continue our journey. Today we also interviewed an officer among the same concept. He didn't give to much answers, seemed as if he was shy. Take a look;


The picture above is property of the Paramedic, and the News Department, City Government.

Reporter: "What do you think of your job, is it hard?"
Officer: "I mean, it can be."
Reporter: "What do you think about your local city paycheck?"
Officer: The officer responded with just 2 simple words, and they are "It's fine."


PLND Application Process
Welcome, and thank you for thinking about applying for a position in the News Department of Paralake. As you can see, we are a new company and we are in need of newsmen, and newswomen. Below is some information if you are interested in applying.

Application Status: Closed




Help keep the news running, and donate to bank account number 2718634. Any donation is accepted, but please help us!
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My in-game name is: Amy Zharkan
My forum name is: Zharkan16
What position are you interested in applying for in the department? PLND Manager of the News.
Why do you want to become that position? I want to manage the news and put together events and also capture and lead amazing news to the citizens of Paralake!
Are you a good recorder/picture taker? Yes.
Are you active? Yes
How old are you? 17
Final Comments: None.
Hi, @Zharkan16

Thank you for applying for a position in the News Team.
The Manager rank is a big risk, with a lot of responsibilities.
Your application has been:

Accepted, welcome to the team. Please contact me.


[DOUBLEPOST=1470444285][/DOUBLEPOST]New recent news.

The police were on scene before the supposed 'camera manager' was even conceived.
They fucked off mid-rape.

This news station is worse than FOX.

Paralake General News

(07/29/2016) - Today we had a fight break out at the city hall, and it was madness. Unfortunately, one female, and one male lost their life in the fight. View the photos below. We are now sure who the man was, but the female has been identified as "Amy Zharkan". Photos are here below;

As you can see below the fight starts, and they are all aggressive and start to punch each other!

Sadly the female and one other male lost their life, here's that photo;

My nigga ♕Tyrone Johnsson!@TheDrunkenRage
Hey man, this org looks sick. Keep up the good work.
Also, you should make a Tooter account on your phone, and maybe state that criminals are gang members in articles like the one above, as Tyrone Johnsson is a member of the
♕Paralake Kingz♕
I'd love to see more news reports like this. This would be a nice way for banned players to be able to know what's going on in the city without actually being in the server, that way they can see what gangs are powerful, who TO and NOT to mess with, etc.
Also, just a suggestion, maybe set your HQ as The Office? It's a good building for something like a News company, just get some wooden boards and make little offices out of them or something, and maybe the CEO of the PLN could have an office at the top room.
Just an idea, though.
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