[Discussion] Raiding 5.7

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Zagreb, Croatia
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Add.

Your version of the rule: A player is only allowed to raid another player with a valid roleplay reason which could be, allthough is not limited to: muggings, scams, thefts, threats, traitorous acts towards the raiding party etc.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Alright, let me say first off that I'm looking for the community's honest openion on this post. This meens no "- support but i wanna raid sweathervests". This post should be taken seriously as I'm trying to explain how raiding isnt worth it for the following reasons:
By lockpicking a door you can be heard by the owner or the people passing by the place youre raiding. This only makes the situation more anoying and risky as now you have both cops trying to jail you, the house owner and his mates trying to kill you.

By killing the owner you now have a 10k ticket with your name on it and if you mug him, hes gonna call the cops and youre most likely gonna get a warrant out for you (if the cops dont dink you in the first place).

If all goes well with no cops responding, the person you mugged is going to remember how you look, report it to the cops and youre probably gonna get caught. All of these (if this rule gets accepted) leads us to the rules 3.4 and 3.5 since by raiding you put your life and freedom at high risk for some drugs and 200$ of you mugging the owner, that is if you dont die untill then. Now there were extreme cases where raiders got out with thousands of dollars in drugs and guns but this is really rare.

I believe raiding should be restricted to the player having a valid roleplay reason and a reason to believe a big pro is in the place they are raiding that outweighs the cons.

Once again this isnt me getting T R I G G E R E D because I get raided, it was simply an idea that was stuck in my head for a long time now. Thank you for reading and understanding!

-Kindest regards: Johannes
While in concept it sounds like a good idea in practice it is not. This would allow people to board their windows and just sit in their bunker of death without ever stepping foot outside and people would not be able to raid them. They would be able to AFK and grow 24/7 more than people do now with months of food in their storage.

Civilian raids are next to none now anyway due to the updates buffing police and the homemade Normandy beaches inside apartments like regals: This would basically mean no one can raid.


Actual picture of a regals base *100% legit*
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While in concept it sounds like a good idea in practice it is not. This would allow people to board their windows and just sit in their bunker of death without ever stepping foot outside and people would not be able to raid them. They would be able to AFK and grow 24/7 more than people do now with months of food in their storage.

Civilian raids are next to none now anyway due to the updates buffing police and the homemade Normandy beaches inside apartments like regals. This would basically mean no one can raid.


Actual picture of a regals base *100% legit*
Thanks for the feedback. I have a question though: In real life, did you ever see a man with an AK on his back open up a door by force and then get destroyed by the protectors because most "bunkers" have tonnes of armed people inside protecting the property. The police is allready a pain in the ass with constantly anoying houses with boarded up windows to take them down (even though its not illegal). Huge cultivation houses that are boarded up exist in real life where drug production is a huge way of making money. With @ShadowJoey saying it would balance out powergrowing is not a valid argument because of what I mentioned in my post (cops responding etc) even if you do fight off the cops they still come back and dont give up unti the gunmen are dead or if a staffmember decides to put a stop to it.
Thanks for the feedback. I have a question though: In real life, did you ever see a man with an AK on his back open up a door by force and then get destroyed by the protectors because most "bunkers" have tonnes of armed people inside protecting the property.

Thanks for feedback! I have a question though; In real life, do you see houses full of 10+ people armed with AK-47s, M4A1s, Sakos and even 50. Cal Snipers like the M82 and AS50?

The police is allready a pain in the ass with constantly anoying houses with boarded up windows to take them down (even though its not illegal).

You should not be forcing people to take them down as they are not illegal.

Huge cultivation houses that are boarded up exist in real life where drug production is a huge way of making money.

Yes they do, but police have access to much more resources and raids can be conducted, planned over months. This is game and people want to actually have fun.
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Why is this even a discussion?
People who break into houses to steal your shit don't need anymore reason than the fact that they want to steal your shit.
This would do nothing to add rp, instead it would only impede it.
Ridiculous, the amount of people that just sit in bases afk growing staring at a wall while doing some other stuff outside the game is already stupid, let alone the fact that now they wouldn't have to be worried about getting raided. If a change like this were to happen, what would even be the downside to powergrowing now? All you have to do is bunker yourself up inside and never leave the apartment because now you aren't even at risk of being raided. Not just that, but really, the whole point of raiding is that you take the risk in hope that the outcome if you 'win' will be worth it, which most of the time it is, and at the end of the day it really is just a game, it's supposed to be fun and powergrowing all day is not.
  • "Thanks for feedback! I have a question though; IN real life, do you see houses full of 10+ people armed with AK-47s, M4A1s, Sakos and Evan 50. Cal Snipers like the M82 and AS50?" however that might seem likena dumb anwser, yes. There are loads of countries like Mexico, Montenegro and the USA where you can see people walking arround in their home with AR-15s, SR-25s AKs and shotguns. The USA has a meth epidemic going on and is filled with RVs and familly homes with boarded up windows where meth and other narcotics that dont need to be cultivated are being produced.
    • "You should not be forcing people to take them down as they are not illegal." they still do. I've been powergrowing with Joseph Stalin in wood cabbins for months and we always get a visit from a certain officer who demands the windows to be taken down sometimes with even with supervisors
    • "This is game and people want to actually have fun" Nothing says fun more like some rich raid team going to your house where you want to make a doctors office or just passive rp. Then super duper raid team comes and kills you or robs you. With powergrowing not being passive rp, or making a office where you want to passive rp, but still risk getting raided; I think we should redefine the meaning of PassiveRP then.
The server will be boring and probbabl more people will leave the community(I think)
No problem buddy! Oh boy I do enjoy this feedback thing!

they still do. I've been powergrowing with Joseph Stalin in wood cabbins for months and we always get a visit from a certain officer who demands the windows to be taken down sometimes with even with supervisors

Ever tried making a complaint on said officers and 'supervisors' that force you to take down wooden boards? I suggest you do so as as you are aware of, its not illegal.

Nothing says fun more like some rich raid team going to your house where you want to make a doctors office or just passive rp. Then super duper raid team comes and kills you or robs you. With powergrowing not being passive rp, or making a office where you want to passive rp, but still risk getting raided; I think we should redefine the meaning of PassiveRP then.
Once again this isnt me getting T R I G G E R E D because I get raided, it was simply an idea that was stuck in my head for a long time now. Thank you for reading and understanding!

These two points seem to be contradicting each other? Often people don't bother raiding you while you 'passive rp' because its a waste of time and secondly they just die and lose guns when police show up.


I like this meme
this thread is a rating goldmine
With @ShadowJoey saying it would balance out powergrowing is not a valid argument because of what I mentioned in my post (cops responding etc) even if you do fight off the cops they still come back and dont give up unti the gunmen are dead or if a staffmember decides to put a stop to it.

Are you really that adamant not to change your opinion? Obviously it's a valid reason ... open your eyes. The way i see it @ShadowJoey is 100% right. Raiding is a way to balance power growing. Otherwise a lot of sad people would just sit in an apartment 24/7 with boarded windows and grow. This happens now, but without raiding there's a 99% chance without someone doing something autistic that you won't get raided because of extra precautions.
:wales: :beef:


Sweater vests*
And do you think the same happens IRL?

This is unrealistic and would effect the server in a big way and unless you want a good neighbours RP which no-one is a good neighbour here it just can't happen. Crime happens people get desperate and turn to other people and take what they need if this is accepted two thirds of the community will die of boredom.

Raids happen because the people raiding need to because they are bored of drug farming or they need money.
No problem buddy! Ever tried making a complaint on said officers and 'supervisors' that force you to take down wooden boards? I suggest you do so as as you are aware of, its not illegal.

These two points seem to be contradicting each other? Often people don't bother raiding you while you 'passive rp' because its a waste of time and secondly they just die and lose guns when police show up.

The officers who demanded us to remoce the barricades have been dealt with but its still a normally occuring thing thats happening in perp.


I like this meme
I didnt realise how me standing up for my post and to make some valid argument is getting triggered. I said its not me getting triggered because I got raided (which I never do, the last time someone did that he got killed.) its just me making an argument. As I said I want for people to take this seriously. I know loads of people who were just crafting stim packs in their bazzar shop or making a doctor's office in regals to passive rp that got raided and mugged with the raiders gaining nothing and then getting arrested. Raiding nowadays is risky to do and expensive.
The officers have been dealt with and its still happening today with cops demanding house owners to remove barricades.


I also like this meme.
Raiding is similar to burglary or robbery. Most of the time, strangers see something lovely in your house like an ultra rare pumpkin spiced coffee on the table so they'll go and nick it. Most of the time they wouldn't even know who you are.
Before people start getting into these arguments - a metaphorical game of "I'm right, you're wrong" ping pong - it's worth actually looking at where @Generic Twat is coming from: he is pretty adamant that raiding people should be monitored so people, who are simply trying to role play as a consultancy, don't get rushed and gatted by raiders who want to find drugs. I think he is trying to say that if you are raiding a property, you should have good information that their are drugs inside or people to mug.
Yes, this idea could seem good: passive role players won't be killed over nothing BUT it's pretty anal to do this, regarding such a situation. The idea of raiding is that you are taking a big risk, you could: fail, die, win, get drugs, get money - the risk is the aspect that adds a bit of fun to raiding as people want to feel a bit of fear that they might lose, whilst also retaining the concept of gaining lots from the raid. This means that people should be able to take a risk instead of scoping out their target properties to see a small view of a drug pot and this very much plays against you.
Regarding your point about boards on windows, police raiding because of them, @Walker explains it pretty much perfectly "You should not be forcing people to take them down as they are not illegal." - showing good law knowledge is a key that you must obtain before suggesting positives, based on law, for a rule being implemented or changed.
The fact that you say "they still do it" also shows negligence of current rules in place: officers can't break laws, so entering your house because of boarded windows can result, easily, in an AR from you and punishment for them, followed by a RR from you. Simple, making that argument completely invalid,
P.S - before I get shit for saying "anal":
In real life, did you ever see a man with an AK on his back open up a door by force and then get destroyed by the protectors because most "bunkers" have tonnes of armed people inside protecting the property.
Well "in real life" you don't see someone going with a physgun flying props around do you? Sure , this game mode simulates real life, but at the end of the day mate it's a game and if people wanted to have a boring life they wouldn't be playing. Perp is like real life but the difference is, it's a game and it's meant to entertain, adding the rule would remove one obvious part of the entertainment on the server.
Raiding nowadays is risky to do and expensive.

Here at the defeating your own point department I would like to congratulate you. If Raiding is so risky and expensive it means people consider these risks. The point of partaking in one of these "Risking and Expensive" raids is to gain more and taking the ability to do this freely would mean its not done at all for the reason that it is "Expensive and risky".

I made a picture to represent what it will be like with this addition.


This will be the last of my creative posts as I don't want to cause some arguments.
Before people start getting into these arguments - a metaphorical game of "I'm right, you're wrong" ping pong - it's worth actually looking at where @Generic Twat is coming from: he is pretty adamant that raiding people should be monitored so people, who are simply trying to role play as a consultancy, don't get rushed and gatted by raiders who want to find drugs. I think he is trying to say that if you are raiding a property, you should have good information that their are drugs inside or people to mug.
Yes, this idea could seem good: passive role players won't be killed over nothing BUT it's pretty anal to do this, regarding such a situation. The idea of raiding is that you are taking a big risk, you could: fail, die, win, get drugs, get money - the risk is the aspect that adds a bit of fun to raiding as people want to feel a bit of fear that they might lose, whilst also retaining the concept of gaining lots from the raid. This means that people should be able to take a risk instead of scoping out their target properties to see a small view of a drug pot and this very much plays against you.
Regarding your point about boards on windows, police raiding because of them, @Walker explains it pretty much perfectly "You should not be forcing people to take them down as they are not illegal." - showing good law knowledge is a key that you must obtain before suggesting positives, based on law, for a rule being implemented or changed.
The fact that you say "they still do it" also shows negligence of current rules in place: officers can't break laws, so entering your house because of boarded windows can result, easily, in an AR from you and punishment for them, followed by a RR from you. Simple, making that argument completely invalid,
P.S - before I get shit for saying "anal":
Finally someone said something actually constructive. But you saying the risk is the fun part of raiding is just saying that you will just die without respect for your life. Thats why we have rules that tell us we need to make realistic actions in char. If we just didnt give a shit IC about our life then I dont see why we have rules that say the opposite.
Here at the defeating your own point department I would like to congratulate you. If Raiding is so risky and expensive it means people consider these risks.
I saw them consider the risks when I was swimming in guns afteir their suicide attempt raid and then sold them to my org mates.
This idea I strongly disagree with because of these reasons:
1. It would make being an swat officer less fun as most of there call outs are raids.
2. It would make it to easy to grow drugs so everyone would just be earning money without even being disturbed
3. As @Walker said it would just mean that people can just camp at there house/base growing drugs and not leave so no one would have any reason to raid them.
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